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The zombies are coming!


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It's been a long time since I've shared a build here, figured it was time to share.

I started to think about zombies, not hard with all the hullabaloo around them now. I wanted to build my own zombie killer ride.

I started with an abandoned project F-350, I had already painted the body, and opened the passenger door. I must say this truck has really snow balled, and I'm having a lot of fun doing it.

I picked some real nasty, but not over the top tires. I scrapped together a home grown lift kit, with a 4x4 conversion. I wanted the lift to be as heavy duty as possible in the front(you'll find out why).


next I started on one of the most imported parts of a zombie rig, ARMOR! You need to keep the "walkers" out.


Next came lighting, I made a double roll bar with forward and rear facing KC lights. (much more lighting on the way.


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Oh man, the minute I read the title of this thread, I ran here and Surprise, SURPRISE! Yes, it's a Zombie roller machine. Love it. It's a monster all right.

Tells more about your plans for it. How are you going to do the paint? What else are you adding to it?

Oh, this one is going to be fun.

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Next on the list is utility, I fabbed a 200 gallon fuel drum and a chain wench in the bed, that way fuel stops will be further apart.


then came more detail and paint. I had to do a hood scoop, it just looked right up there. You will also see more lights off the rear bumper, and heavy duty front shocks. The the large steel hubcaps are for scraping zombies off side of the truck, any guard rail or the side of a building will do.


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The wench and fuel tank.


I plan on using this as more of an attack vehicle, and a scout. I've always said that I wouldn't plan on living long after "Z" day. But by nelly, I'd take as many with me as possible. That's the theme of this one.


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I think the plow added some serious awesome points to this rig.


I played with this idea, but really don't think its a go. I figured that it could be raised when you need to plow or dropped when you need to be more persuasive.

But figured in the end its just one more thing to go wrong.


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Next came the need for a power plant. I thought long and hard about what engine to run. I figure with no fresh fuel sources and the need for flexibility of fuel types, also the need for power more than speed and fuel mileage. I new there was only one engine for her.

A 5.9l 6bt Cummins diesel. Now seeing as there is no model I know of that has one, I had to make my own.

ruffed in,


I used an old chevy engine out of a 50's 6cyl.


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The weathering has started! I looked at a few different ways to go here, but decided on old faithful. I used Sophisticated finishes Rust Antiquing Set.


I also replaced the rubber fuel line with a brass pipe. That way no Zombies can chew threw it.



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I love post-apocalyptic rides. You're doing a great job on this one. Very nice weathering work.

Have you thought of maybe having some kind of big gun hanging out of the passenger door?

I want to stay as far from the big over the top weapons, I want to make this as real as possible. I only want guns that I can get ammo for at a local vacant walmart or abandoned military vehicle.

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Okay so finally an update. It seems the progress slows down the closer I get. A trip to Houston didn't help.

I did some more weathering. Added a few guns. and decided to go ahead and close the door.


As you can see I also added some blood. whats a Zombie killer without blood...

Also added some mud on the tires, and started gluing the rig together.(thats a big step on this one.)


I still need to build drive shafts and a transfer case. but after that its almost ready to be called done.


I really dig this last picture, and for some real scale stats this monster would be 9.5ft tall, 8.5ft wide, and 24ft long.


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