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Reducing pics?

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Steve Juliano (nice guy) sent me some pics of the Plymouth Road Runner dealer promo wheel discs (left & right) & i would like to know how to reduce them in size so when i print them they are 16.5mm across (0.649606299 inches) the face of the disc. I have posted a pic, it's the white disc only that i need. I have ASD so step by step instructions would be fantastic. If someone could print them up that would be cool to (I can pay). I would like to learn how to do it myself though (with help of cause). Also making your own decals, is there a tutorial on how to do that? Thanks.


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the decal would be easy , once it's reduced you can print it on white inkjet decal paper.

If you still need it , I can reduce it tomorrow when I'm on my other computer, and post it here.

It would take a page to explain how I do it.

In a nut shell I would print it and measure the diameter , than come up with a scale factor.

go into the photo program and reduce the photo it by the scale factor.

than cut out the disc in illustrator or photoshop.

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Depends a lot on what program you are using. You can easily resize images in most word processing programs by just clicking on the picture and dragging one of the corners to increase or decrease the image size.

Copy and paste a few different sizes and print at the lowest quality. Measure your printouts and if one is the right size, delete the others, copy and paste multiple images of the correct size and print on photo paper on "best" quality - or print it onto decal paper.

Edited by Erik Smith
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Therein lies the problem, i don't know what program to use. I'm not the best with computers, i know how to email, facebook, post on sites like this & SPEND A FORTUNE ON EVILBAY ON MY MODELING HOBBY/ADDICTION. I like working with my hands but when it comes to the technical stuff, that's when i get stuck. Modelnut yon mentioned that you could do them, i only need them printed on paper so i can white glue them to aluminum discs. I would need say 6 of each (left & right) & i can pay you for doing it. As i said above i have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) & that's why until i can see what to do, technical stuff messes with my head & that's why i love building models (follow the instructions & i can't go wrong, well almost). Thanks guys.

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I do this all the time. You need a program called Gimp Image Editor. It's open source so its free. Open the file you want to make a certain print size, go to tools, then transform tools and crop it so that it is either the height or width of what you want, save it as a new file, re-open it. go to image than print size and re-size it and save it again. Reopen it and print it out.

Edited by my66s55
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here's the cover reduced to 0.65 ( didn't see a reason to go 9 decimal places ...so it's off half a thou) :P


you will probably want to adjust the contrast so I put a thin black circle around it for reference where to cut.

I did it different . found an easier way.

I drew a 0.65 circle on a seperate layer and reduced the image untill the cover fit in the circle , than deleted the background.

Edited by scalenut
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the problem with doing this , and the problem with photoshop,gimp,ect .. is they deal with bitmaps and this is a jpg(bitmap) so the quality is reduced quite a bit anytime you resize an image.

if you want to learn to "draw" decals you need inkscape,illustrator or corel, that deals in vector images.

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Scale nut, that is just way cool, thanks. If i post the right hand side disc could you do that one to please. I'll look into those other progams you spoke off. See you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Edited by Yahshu
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I have just printed the 1st pic & I know I can be a pain but it's 1.5mm to small (see attached pic) I am so sorry & if you were close by I'd buy you a beer or 10. Any chance of them been made a bit bigger? Please. They are for my Road Runners & Superbird & the wheels that are on this car are the same as I'll be using on my Road Runners (The Bee was just easy to get to) These wheels I cast myself so i don't have to use the originals (only got 1 set & between 4 cars the math don't work). Thank you.


Edited by Yahshu
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