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Dr. Cranky

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Nice work Barry, and pure inspriation.

I have a quick question for all you pros out there(one of many I am sure)

Is there somewhere I can get a big "variety" pack of styrene/evergreen? I know I buy my wood in little pack with all different size and shapes. Looking for rods and stuff.

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Thanks for your Comments guys, and its good to see you on here Danny !

And Hello Jamie,

Here is some of the Styrene that I use called "Plastistuct" I have also used Evergreen, and both are made in the US.

I get my styrene from two places, my local model shop and online from a company here in England called E.M.A

they are based out of Sheperton "they supply the effects film industry"

Ihave used them since I was at collage and at work, and they do supply world wide, However if you just go online.

theres plenty of places to order this stuff from, although I will say its not cheap !




I use Plastic weld to "melt" the parts together



and I use a fine Dropper to apply the weld as I have greater control than you do with a brush....and its less messy and wasteful !



Hope that Helps you out a bit Custom Creator,

All the best,


Edited by Barry Harker
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Wow!, Barry your work looks great, for plastic here in the state I would mostly use 'Evergreen' brand its much cheaper then "Plastistuct" and offers most of the same stuff, but "Plastistuct" dose have some specialty shapes that "Evergreen" doesn't make.

Thanks for the comment about the gas can but I was being sarcastic, its just a simple gas can nothing special.

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Welcome aboard Wayne, let's get rolling and kills us some Zombies. HA.

You guys are really boosting the energy of this thread. Keep it going. Hopefully by December we will have such a huge Toothless Zombie Hunter Caravan that it will stretch for miles into the RED DUSK horizon!

Man your tools, folks, let's get busy.

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