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I am positive that there is a video of us dragging Ricky Miguel down the street winter of 79 in the middle of the night on a snow packed street.

Remember how they had a chrome plated hang bar on the back? I personally remember dragging that kid all around under city lights.

4lbs of tire pressure and ZERO brains = Jackass 1979


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That poster reminds me of my #1 son when he was 5 or 6. He also had a Big Wheel and would get going as fast as he could on the sidewalk and turn down the driveway toward the street. The side of the driveway was like a mini ramp where it would meet the curb. He used this to launch himself into the street. I don't think he every got that much "air" as this poster. I had to weld up the front forks about once a week.

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3-wheelers made for some wild rides, especially with no rear fenders and two riders :lol:

never crashed on my 2-wheeler, but did on my 4-wheelers a lot go figure.

the stiff suspensions on those Honda's can get a little dicey on the trails, be careful Lane ;)

The Honda ATC 70s, 90s & 110s didn't have rear suspension.... They relied on the baloon tyres for that. I have a friend from the 70's that is a parapalegic because of a Honda ATC 110. I remember riding it before his accident, & I can vividly recall it being VERY unstable thru high speed left or rights. If you didn't have your weight on the correct side, then you were 'off camber' two wheelin thru the corners. Pretty dicey stuff. The later, larger capacity ATCs got the front & rear suspension, but they were still a handfull to ride. Another mate had a new ATC with the CR250 R engine in it.Honda-ATC250R-1986.jpg I NEVER wanted to ride that one as you had to weight the inside & break into a power slide to navigate any corner. WAY too scary for me. I seem to recall from the mid 80s (before the first Suzuki 4 wheeler racers hit the market), that the Australian government was moving to outlaw 3 wheelers because it was costing the taxpayers way too much in medical costs & invalid pensions.
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Started riding a 72 ATC 90 when I was 5 or 6, Dad had it bored with a header and replaced the rimless balloon tires with regular rims and knobby tires. Moved to a 185s, 200x (finally some suspension travel:), then on to a 250R, we dubbed that one "the mother of all things fast". My friends and I would leave to go riding in the morning, come home to gas up the machines a few times throughout the day, and come home after dark) I am currently looking for an old 90 to restore, and a 250r for riding. Dad and some cousins of mine have had several different 4 wheelers since then. It takes a different riding style that I don't really care for....give me 3 wheels any day.

That big wheel pic is great . Reminds me of tying them to the back of the 3 wheelers and pulling each other around (don't even think of putting your feet on the pedals at speed :blink: )and doing the same with sleds and tractor innertubes in the winter. We might have been a bunch of idiots, but being a kid was a blast back then. Beats the heck out of video games and watching TV, which is all my son seems to want to do.

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