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I give my hat down to the Navy SEALs.

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SEa, Air, Land. America's bravest warriors. Established in 1962. Hats down they are the best warriors in America. (In the world in my opinion.) I will give the SEALs this year, and every year. Last year on May 1st, they killed Osama bin Laden. They have avenged all of the 2,997 deaths from the Trade Centers to Flight 93. All the members of SEAL Team 6 (A.K.A. DEVGRU) have been my heros for ever. Recently, they saved captured Americans for Somolian "Pirates". The SEALs are my forever lasting role models.

Edited by '08SEAL
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The US Navy has been at the forefront of confronting piracy since 1803, when the Navy mounted a campaign against the Barbary Pirates, starting with Libya and Tripoli.

In less than a year, our Navy achieved what the two largest world powers, England and France, were afaid to do, take the battle to the bandits directly! And in the middle? USMC.


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I wouldn't say the USMC was in the middle, as the Marines are actually an older organization than the Navy (granted, by one year, but still). And from the Marines rigorous training came the SEALs. Marine Recon, Navy Seal, Army Delta, and Air Force Para ALL go through the same training, and quite often work hand-in-hand on missions. As prior Navy and one who has 3 Boot Camp friends who are SEALs, I can tell you their training (all branch Special Forces) is intense and ever-ongoing. I got to be a 'bad guy' for the SEAL team doing 'Clean and Sweep' training at NAB Little Creek. As 'Bad Azz' as I thought I was, I got cleaned up and was lit up like a Christmas tree by the time training was concluded. They are for real, and thankfully the American public will NEVER have to know what they really do.

HooRah Special Forces, no matter the branch.

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Considering that an E-4 (rank) makes a paycheck that has their total income below the poverty line and yet they still put their lives in harms way, I agree with supporting our service members; current, past, and future. As a prior service member myself, I have seen first-hand what goes on. I have seen politics cost lives, all in the name of 'Public Opinion'. As far as I am concerned, the public has absolutely NO business knowing what happens on military campaigns, as it completely compromises the missions and those who undertake them.

Edited by whale392
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Considering that an E-4 (rank) makes a paycheck that has their total income below the poverty line and yet they still put their lives in harms way, I agree with supporting our service members; current, past, and future. As a prior service member myself, I have seen first-hand what goes on. I have seen politics cost lives, all in the name of 'Public Opinion'. As far as I am concerned, the public has absolutely NO business knowing what happens on military campaigns, as it completely compromises the missions and those who undertake them.

I totally agree with you Brad but unfortunately there are people in this country that feel differently. The recent uproar over the Marines urinating on dead Taliban soldiers as being inhumane was obviously viewed differently by those that have never served. The only mistake those Marines made was to post that video for others to see.

I wonder who had the idea to make the movie about Seal Team 6 that will be released this summer, just in time for the Presidential Election? :rolleyes: It is bad enough the grandstanding that went on last year but to further a politcal agenda by using the military is over the line for me.

Semper Fi

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i think anyone who put thier lives in harms way to protect people who dont even know them (this includes our local law enforcements) should make enough not to loose that same life due to lack of nutrition

as for what goes on on miliraty campaigns, its a dirty job and someone needs to do it

but i do believe no cop should put themselves above the law they are sworn to uphold and no member of the armed forces should deprive men from the freedoms they are defending (i am not talking about those labeled the enemy, just those civilians living in the area)

but seeing how i never served and have no real knowledge of how these things are, these are just my thoughs

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Oh how happy I am to have spent another glorious day in the Marine Corps. Every day is a holiday, and every meal a feast. God bless my Drill Instructor, and God bless Chesty Puller whever he may be.

The only good enemy is a dead enemy, Gung Ho, Ouahh Rahh, Aye Aye Sir!

Semper Fi, do or die, hold em high at Eight and "I".

It's been almost 40 years since MCRD, I will never forget, I will be forever faithful. I will be a Marine forever.

Gray WE, Corporal, USMC

MOS 0331, Machine Gunner.


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Cheers to all our people that put themselves in harms way for freedom. Having had the chance to work with some fellas from the

7th SFGA back in the 80's my hat is off to them!!

Think of all the MILLIONS of Jewish, Russian, American & German lives that would have been saved if this type of operation were viable during WW2. Good on ya fellas.... Doing an AWESOME job!!!!

There was a group called the First Special Service.

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