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A Plea for a RUST ONLY Section!

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no offense meant, Crankster....

i don't feel that there's any divisiveness between any "camps" of builders at all. good natured (i hope!) ribbing and humor is all part of the hobby. i'd hope that if there is a new section made, that people don't skip by it because of some preconcieved notions regarding the subject matter. myself; i'm an information junkie. i gloam over every thread, every post, trying to see just what's up.

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Wow, 10 pages and counting. Seems the good Doctor always garners a crowd of followers and a few hecklers. There are enough negatives in the world. Can we try to be positive?

On the original question, I don't believe a separate section is required for rusty and weathered, as this really is a style of finish. I do like the idea that Harry put forward for a reorganization and understand the limitations to a reorg from Gregg's perspective. It does seem that there are many who are willing to help.

This forum is a wonderful cross section of building styles and I am so happy to have come across it. There are wonderful builders here that are willing to share with others. While there are many styles of builds that I personally do not build, there is always something to be learned from all builders of all styles, be it automotive, truck, military, ship, plane, sci-fi or whatever. Will I ever build a lowrider? Maybe. Maybe no. If I do, will it have a killer multi-coloured layered paint job? Probably not. Is it something I'd like to be able to do at least once? Oh yeah! It is a technique that requires practice and techniques. While I do try to do or learn something new with each build or improve on techniques or what I see as previous failures, I do enjoy the hobby and it's many facets. To think that for the most part it is all starts with plastic, glue and paint and becomes a piece of art no matter what the subject or finish is just flat-out awesome, whether it is a car, plane or spaceship we can all learn something if we allow ourselves to do so. Shiny or rusty, new or old, it's all the same materials.

Thanks. Good night.

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I propose we start a sub forum for models finished in colors. Modelers have been using colors for decades now, and they're becoming more popular. I feel models done in colors should have their own section so that they can be brought to the forefront and enjoyed. Building models in colors is not just a fad. I love building models in colors and everyone else should too.

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I go to work and the thread blows up!

And to think that this started with a text message o.O;

I honestly think the new section would help shine some light on this particular genre of building.

To be frank, I rarely build anything that shines. Of course, that's not to say that I don't enjoy shiny, I just prefer to build my models either 'driven' or aged as I see every day IRL. I spent a good three years collectively making a living beneath a car. And a great deal of my childhood around my dad's old cars watching him fix em up.

I build what I see, what I remember, and what comes from pure imagination. I vote wholeheartedly for the new section... as its been said, its not to divide but rather to bring this genre into the light a little more.

I would not be as avid as i am with my builds or posts were it not for mr. Virgil's already having started up the whole rust interest on the forum.

His builds made me more comfortable sharing my own work... think what a section set aside for weathering would do?

None of us are enemies, although some of you out there may think differently.

MCM is a big ol' family gathering- I check up everyday just to see what's up! So let's not treat this like a slap in the face.

Til next time!

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I think there should be two segments... FINISHED and IN PROGRESS. B)

Chuck, I think tweaking the titles to sections is perfect.

Rob, yes, my friend, it started with a simple exchange between us and a day later we've heard many wonderful points of views on the issue.

I really appreciate all the input and all I can say is that at the end of the day this is what makes the forum a much better place, the civil exchange of ideas.

Some will work, others will not, and that's how it goes, but positive changes will always help keep making the place better.

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If you vary it , gloss , gunk , gloss , gunk , etc , it might keep him from bouncing off the walls !

Maybe ? Naaawwww ! He's a shine junky through and through ! Lmao !

The Gloss/Gunk, Gloss/Gunk formula not only helps keep things exciting a the bench, but it also keeps you from pulling out your hair! Or maybe it puts hair on your head, I don't know. Whatever keeps you building, finally, is all that matters.

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I find it pretty appalling and very typical of this forum as a whole to admonish and label those who don't agree with the majority as haters or troublemakers. It sure seems that if you don't parrot what the majority likes or "conform" to the majority's wishes, you get treated like an outsider.

Then my only answer for you is to find another forum since you dislike this one so much.

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All right, folks, let me redirect here and get us back on track:

Those of you who've been thinking about (to go back to Harry's list of revisions) the forum and how it could be made more smooth-running and efficient, this is a good chance to speak out.

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Andy, there will always be people in the world who don't see things the way you do, and as you get older you realize that time is precious, and so you live and let live. You express your opinion and you try to do the best you can and that's all you can do. My old man always said NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!

This forum is a place where people come to exchange their love for building models, and the focus is (for the most part) on the hobby. That's the starting point for all of us. The rest, as they say, is opinion and conjecture, a matter of taste and interpretation.

In short, and with any aspect of the creative process, you have to have pretty thick skin.

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I've read this long thread and don't think we need a rust or zomby hunter thread.I'm a gear head and like looking at any thing with wheels,although my intrest these days is trucks,I still look ar the cars in each catigory.I can see putting pick up/suv back in the cars section unless its built to look like Joes plumbing work truck,then it would be in trucks.Wait I'll take that back because it would be too much like SA without the E format.There would be whinning going on then .If there is a seperat weathered section ,then the next thing will be a road weary build shouldn't go with a pre resteration 70 road runner barn find build that shouln't go with a 36 ford sitting in a fence row for 65 years type of build.Combining all race cars together would be ok in my book

The main thing is there ain't a whole lot wrong with what is here.Maybe people should shut up and enjoy the fine work going on here.If you need seperate threads just to make your cumputer time easier,shut the thing off and build.My 2 cents

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Kevin, your point is well taken. I keep thinking the best way to visualize this is to think of one of those big filing cabinets and you are trying to keep everything labeled and organized so that you can readily find everything. But keep your enjoyment of the searching going.

So you have a category, a sub category, and then the labels (titles of threads) for each item.

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Here's my opinion on how it should be laid out:


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Sadly, I think the actual juvenile here would be more accepting of the word NO and take it for an answer that the 50 year-old. How many times does Harry have to say "It isn't going to happen" before the dang point sinks in? Then to try and backpedal and reword it to seem like all he is looking for is streamlining and 'easier to use' the forum? Right, keep the veil flying. Let's see how many side streets we can take this down and how many alleys we can try to run this through until I get my wish. Give up and use the CBP section for what it is meant for instead of demanding a separate area just for yourself.

As to Andy, who cares about that subject anymore. Talking to him is like talking to wall. He just doesn't get it and will continue to be that way until he is forced to stare down the barrel of life.

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