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Do You Get Into the Modeling Doldrums...?

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At the moment I have several WIP (don't we all) and a stack/stash of unbuilt kits. I have plenty of ideas for lots of different models floating around in my mind.

I just don't feel like working on anything. It's not like I'm experiencing burnout after a long build, I just can't decide what to work on. Nothing is "grabbing my attention".

I put together a snap kit to give to my grandson for his First Birthday, but even that didn't get me going to want to build something else FOR ME.

I watch SPEED Channel and Velocity looking for ideas and/or inspiration....

I go on this FORUM a couple of times a day looking for ideas and/or inspiration....

I'm looking forward to going to NNL East in a couple of months, but at the rate I'm going I won't be bringing anything with me to put on the tables.

Nothing has worked for the last several weeks, since the last project I WAS into wound up back in the box after 3 trips in the stripper.

What do YOU GUYS do in cases like this...???

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Rich, it happens to us all. When I get the Styrene Blues, as I call it, I end up looking for a quick build, something that I can put together in a weekend, and the usual subject/suspect ends up being the Revell 41 Willys. There's something about that kit that always gets me fired up!

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I can sympathize with you Rich. I too have been in a slump for quite a long time. The issue with myself is being overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life. I too do the same things as you trying to gain some inspiration but to no avail. It always seems that when I think about building something, I think of a half dozen other things that i could or should do then end up doing nothing at all.

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you know what, i thought is was just me! i got back into this a couple years ago. i have finished 1 kit. i have several almost done or somewhere in partial build purgatory. i am on here all the time but it is rare that i actually do anything to complete them. and my building station in on my enclosed/unheated porch so i dont really want to be cold either.

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I know what you mean, Mike. I have numerous reference books, magazine subscriptions and watch so many car guy shows that it drives my wife nuts. :lol: Just can't seem to regain my motivation to build something. Last kit I worked on was a 1967 Vette roadster and its about 90% finished. One day I discovered that I was not truly happy with the paint job so back in the box it went and I haven't done anything since. thats been at least 2 years ago.

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SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM EYEGORE TO EVERYONE having Rich's style building doldrums!



Go here to check out the details:


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When I get burned out, or whatever you want to call it, I change subject matter. I'll build 1/25 for a while, get into a rut, dig into the stash and bring out a few 1/72 aircraft, 1/35 or 1/72 armor kits or a 1/350 waqrship...

I've been building and collecting for years and flip subjects on a regular basis... Needless to say, I have quite an extensive parts bin and kit stash...

Right now, I'm on a 1/72 aircraft 'bender' that I started in August... These are quick builds, I love the results and they're pretty inexpensive compared to other subject matters...

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I can totally relate to what everyone is talking about. I am now in some sort of burnout or whatever you call it. About 1 1/2 years ago I started building A R model MACK custom heavy duty wrecker, did plenty of scratchbuilding on it , painted the chassis and some other odds and ends on it right before Christmas and since then I have not worked on it very much at all. My body parts are all primed and ready to airbrush and then my final assembally. For the last month I have spent quite a few hours on the web doing allk kinds of research for my next truck model and I am now all ready to start my next build but I am going to finish the MACK before I begin it . I somehow need to get motivated again and complete it, Keith

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When I get burned out, or whatever you want to call it, I change subject matter. I'll build 1/25 for a while, get into a rut, dig into the stash and bring out a few 1/72 aircraft, 1/35 or 1/72 armor kits or a 1/350 waqrship...

I've been building and collecting for years and flip subjects on a regular basis... Needless to say, I have quite an extensive parts bin and kit stash...

Right now, I'm on a 1/72 aircraft 'bender' that I started in August... These are quick builds, I love the results and they're pretty inexpensive compared to other subject matters...

I second this. I find if I switch up and build another subject I get my mojo back to finish or start another car.

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Hi Rich well here is something that works and this is what I do I offen look for ideas on youtube .For example just type a keyword like junk yard or gasser or what ever you enjoy building then you may see some ideas and researching other forums and even using google images helps.Another good place to get ideas is classic car trader.Well hope that gives you some ideas.

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It's good to know that I'm not the only one who goes thru this. I'm not into planes or military stuff (although I used to burn them and blow them up way back when...) and I'm certainly NOT into the Zombie thing... I DO frequent the Internet looking at different cars and I pick up Street Rodder and Custom Rodder now and then. It's just that lately nothing has "grabbed me". I know that this will eventually pass, as it always does. One of these days a light bulb will go on and I'll dive into something... Thanks for all the input and suggestions guys.

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Rich, I was where you're at and realized that my 'doldrum' was being caused by the plethora of unfinished builds I was surrounded by in my shop. It was actually depressing me to go out there. My solution was to grab a kit, any kit, (in this case a Revell '67 Vette), I took it into the den of my home where I keep my finished builds. Anyhow, I started the kit there, and found that my interest didn't wane. Once I had made significant progress on it, I took everything back out to the shop to complete it. It's been 3-1/2 weeks and it should be done by this Friday. Not only that, but I'm now excited about starting the next project,...and I don't even know what it will be yet. Stay tuned. :D

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Mike, I find that your tactic works for me quite often. I will take my on-the-road tool kit to another part of the house, like the porch, and build something there. I used to be able to watch TV and build at the same time, but the tv was also not allowing me to focus on the model as carefully as I should have been.

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I think we all go through "Spells " so to speak. I've been at a service station diorama now for three years . Between health concerns and having LITTERALLYto scratch build EVERYTHING to make it historicly corect , That has really made it tough for me . Just the research on the oil company , doing a "Plan scearch" through the County , researching what was and what "WASN'T used in 1965, hey it takes a lot of effort ! Ed Shaver

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