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HALLOWEEN 2012--If You Celebrate It, Here's A Fun Proposition

Dr. Cranky

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Wow, I went to bed early last night and now I am up early reading catching up on the extra number of pages. At first I did not know what was going on because I have several people on IGNORE (they know who they are), and I find it mind-boggling (and I think the moderators find it mind-numbing) as to why they continue to pester me and the other good people on this forum who just want to keep building and having fun.

This preoccupation with subject matter and the number of posts I make is a strange fixation in part because I am not the only one here working away at making this place a lot more fun and entertaining for everyone. I am not the only one with high post counts.

What boggles the mind is how many times they will have to be told NOT TO tune in, to put the Doctor on IGNORE, etc . . . by this point I am beginning to think it's got to be LOVE. You know how some relationships begin with distaste and all-out hate? Then turn to LOVE? Hollywood LOVES those types of stories. :D

Boy, and then some of these folks accuse me of needing a life. At least the life I make here is often a pleasant experience of others. I neither disrespect folks by being totally dismissive of their ideas nor pretend I am better than anyone else. I don't police people's ideas, motivations, thoughts, freedom of expression, etc . . .

Anyway, the IGNORE button is my freedom of choice in this matter, but I would urge the folks who keep pestering the people who post in my threads to have a little bit of self control and dignity.

Also, doing this kind of thing to always try to push moderators into LOCKING down perfectly good threads is getting pretty old, and pretty childish.

Some questions & some observations here. If you have as many people on ignore as you claim, then how are you aware of their comments? You seem to be reading them, perhaps in hope that you're mentioned again?

Next question. How are you able to discern people's motivations, (such as attempting to get a thread locked), merely by the comments that have been made? You may be in the majority of threads posted, but you're not omnipotent, despite what you may think.

Now for the observations. In this thread i never said anything about the number of posts you make. I merely pointed out what I perceive as a discrepancy in how different members are allowed different leeway in what they post, which is on the moderators, though I will give Harry credit for his approach in this thread. Though I didn't agree with him, I do admire that he wasn't heavy handed in this, unlike some, who prefer a heavy handed moderating approach when someone's thoughts aren't in line with theirs.

You seem to be obsessed with posting in every area of this forum. That's all well & good, & you may indeed have good intentions, but there is also a strong narcissistic streak in your obsession for attention. That's obvious to any sentient being. If you would just own up to that being at least part of the reason you post so much, (you currently have 112 posts in the past 24 hours, the next most after you is Harry with 38, don't tell me that's not being narcissistic). then perhaps people's perception of you would change. Do tell, with that many posts in a 24 hour period, how do you have time to work on models, teach your students, or have a life, as you brought up? I am actually curious about this.

Finally, as I told someone else in this thread, I find this place an endless source of Pavlovian amusement & great free entertainment, which to me is a pleasant experience, so I'm getting much of what you claim you wish to give others here by your presence. Mission accomplished! Many of my posts in this thread, (& in others), are tongue in cheek, I'm sorry you couldn't perceive that, but my sense of humor can be rather dry.

Edited by Bob Turner
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Quieti ploras de post comes. Graviter. Iustus agere. Forte opus plus in TUUM scandalumalbum est post comes est satis nocere tuum fragile affectus.

Ah, I see my use of Latin with young Andy has rubbed off on him! That's one good thing.

No complaining or whining here young man, merely observing & commenting.

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:lol: Use Google translate on it. (Although Google translate messes up a bunch...) And no, Bob, that's not a good thing it's rubbed off on me. It didn't even rub off on me.

Actually, any time you learn something that is a good thing young Andy. Knowledge is never wasted.

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This would be a great idea, IF the person in question actually started threads or made posts. He doesn't. The only time we hear from this person is when the opportunity to attack Harry arises. Did you date his sister or something, Harry? He is a non-entity here. His opinions hold no weight because he has not made himself part of this community, has made no friends, has earned no respect by his actions, his words, his body of work. Here. On this forum. He may have these things elsewhere, but I doubt it.

I barely have time to build models let alone a costume, so I'll just enjoy the show. As for Virgil, the Mad Poster, Advocate of All Things Rusty and Crusty, I support him 100%. You may not like him, his style or how often we hear from him, but he has given a lot of his time to helping others build better models. He is passionate about finding new and cool ways to build and then passing on his knowledge and expertise. More-so than any other person on any forum I have heard of. Seems people can't handle having a good thing. Gotta tear it down.

Harry dating my sister!?! Gad I hope not, & for his sake, not hers! He can do so much better than her. Even I don't like her & we're related.

Actually I have made model related posts, perhaps looking them up will be of help to you? As to my opinions, I have as much right as anyone else here to express them. Get used to or get over it. On respect, not what I'm seeking from people in an online forum that I don't actually know personally, but for those that need it as validation of themselves, that's great.

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Wow, Mike, for a minute I thought it was one of Harry's quizzes. Okay, now that it doesn't leave your mind (thanks for the infection!), what could a probably driver to such vehicle wear for a Sunday drive? :D

Edited by Dr. Cranky
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Actually I have made model related posts, perhaps looking them up will be of help to you? As to my opinions, I have as much right as anyone else here to express them. Get used to or get over it. On respect, not what I'm seeking from people in an online forum that I don't actually know personally, but for those that need it as validation of themselves, that's great.

I never said you didn't have a right to your opinion. I said, that because you are a non-entity here, that your words have no value. Yes, you have posted on some model related threads, however it is evident that you are much more interested in adding more drama to your Pavlovian entertainment. As for you not seeking respect - that much is obvious. Welcome to my ignore list, you are there all by yourself.

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Wow, I went to bed early last night and now I am up early reading catching up on the extra number of pages. At first I did not know what was going on because I have several people on IGNORE (they know who they are), and I find it mind-boggling (and I think the moderators find it mind-numbing) as to why they continue to pester me and the other good people on this forum who just want to keep building and having fun.

This preoccupation with subject matter and the number of posts I make is a strange fixation in part because I am not the only one here working away at making this place a lot more fun and entertaining for everyone. I am not the only one with high post counts.

What boggles the mind is how many times they will have to be told NOT TO tune in, to put the Doctor on IGNORE, etc . . . by this point I am beginning to think it's got to be LOVE. You know how some relationships begin with distaste and all-out hate? Then turn to LOVE? Hollywood LOVES those types of stories. :D

Boy, and then some of these folks accuse me of needing a life. At least the life I make here is often a pleasant experience of others. I neither disrespect folks by being totally dismissive of their ideas nor pretend I am better than anyone else. I don't police people's ideas, motivations, thoughts, freedom of expression, etc . . .

Anyway, the IGNORE button is my freedom of choice in this matter, but I would urge the folks who keep pestering the people who post in my threads to have a little bit of self control and dignity.

Also, doing this kind of thing to always try to push moderators into LOCKING down perfectly good threads is getting pretty old, and pretty childish.

Hey Doc the only reason people say that kind of stuff is becuase they arnt happy, or some other reason. No one ever has to grow up if they dont want to. Being a kid is fun and creative ideas always flourish.

:) =)

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Doesn't matter what I listen to.



Will not leave my Mind.

Just in case any of you guys don't know it, that is a real car! I mean real, as in it was actually made by a company and not by some deranged guy with no taste in his back yard!


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I think the word that is best used in this case is troll, every forum has them.

I have no problem with Virgils post, I think its great that he is having fun with our hobby, trying to come up with new ways to enjoy it, and its sad that some people on here cant see it that way. Virgil is doing what a few people on here are not doing, having fun with this hobby.

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Shane, that's perfect, sure. All I wanted to do was get everyone thinking about it with plenty of time this way people don't feel pressed when October rolls around.

I'm already ordering some of the basic components of my costume. And I think by October I should also have a new model built to go with it.

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