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I owe an apology

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The other day I logged on in a foul mood, and kinda butted heads with route66modeler(Steve) over a trade deal that never came to fruition. I made an inappropriate post before signing off, which I noticed the next day had been deleted....and I'm glad it was at this point, because that behavior really isn't my style(or good for our hobby).

Steve - I'm sorry for letting it get that far out of hand. I hope we can mend our fences and help each other out in the future.

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I've been married almost 9 years.....I've gotten quite good at admitting when I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

When you are married over 20 years, you don't have to admit it anymore, just assume you are until she tells you otherwise! :D

Way to take responsibility Dave, wish more people did that these days!

Edited by mikemodeler
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As of this coming Sunday (the 26th) I will have been married one year and I have already done my share of admitting to my wrong doings and I also know how hard that can be, especially when its not something you normally do or used to do. I also read the OP a day or two ago and thought the same thing, "That takes kahonas". I dont know what the issue was but any time someone can man up and say that he is sorry gets a big point in my book. :) Hope all goes well with the situation from here on out.

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I've been married almost 9 years.....I've gotten quite good at admitting when I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

Dave, I've been married 33 years, did better than I deserve in getting a wonderful wife, and I'm still wrong most of the time. I knew when you posted that something was wrong because, you're right, you aren't like that at all. I think a lot of you and respect you greatly, especially now. This offering of apology is a class act brother.

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Speaks about your character. Takes and idiot to argue and think he knows it all and is perfect and never makes a mistake. Takes a real person with character to admit he made a mistake and own up to it. I don't know you personally, but you have my respect Sir.

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