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'41 Willys gasser


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I've started a new project. It's a challenge between me and another builder. He's building a '55 Nomad. The guy's a professional auto painter, and he knocks out some killer paint jobs... The Nomad is no exception! So I have to come up with something really wild! My kit is the Revell Willys. It will be built basically box stock.


The kit had been started by another guy, and he filled the notches in the body, where the hood would snap shut. Good idea, but it needed some final detailing. I added some small strips to fill the gaps.


Some sanding done, notches are gone. I also thought the door hinges looked a bit clunky, so I cut slits to simulate detailed hinges. The body has recieved some coats of Tamiya white primer. Will be silver later. Then to figure out some wild paint job.... Any ideas you fellas have are appreciated!


I was inspired by the Willys in this thread, scroll down to find it. The "Mind Binder" The initial plan was to paint the model something like this, but now with the other guy's Nomad wild paint, I have to try something else....


Edited by Modellpularn
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Great kit, have fun with it!

It seems like a well engineered kit, save maybe for that hood snap thing. It will be a fun quick build, hopefully. It has to be finished in two weeks, by the 17th, for the CCM Open. This is the contest Juha Airio always shows up at, along with a bunch of his Finnish friends.

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I've been looking at loads of pics, trying to come up with a trick paint job. Silver went on in two stages, and it gave me fits! For some reason, I must have gotten the body statically charged or something, 'cus when I sprayed the second coats, I got lots of little dust specks/hairs that stood on end. Oh well, sand it down with super fine paper. So 'bout an hour ago, I gave in and shot it with Mica red. Not very trick, huh....?! Maybe if I shoot it with some clear blue, but where did I put that jar of clear blue.....? Oh well, some other day...

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You know Hans....to be a great paint job it doesn't have to be "trick." If you could just lay down a perfect say...candy paint job...or pearl..or whatever...then you will have done well. Just trying to achive that flawless finish is a worthy and many times trying goal all by itself. Because, in my opinion, all the trickiness in the world doesn't count if the basic paint isn't great to begin with... Good luck!

'Course that's just my opinion...others will vary! ;)

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Decals done! I didn't want to tell what it was going to be, since I had some problems with graphic decals from the same manufacturer. Anyway, here it is. I was searching youtube for gasser flicks, and found some images of Hill Bros running a '41 Willys. And since I had the decals for the '33's, why not...?!


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It's getting close now... Only a few hours before showtime....! I have to leave the apartment around 8 in the morning. Six hours to go, since it's almost 2 in the morning over here. Cutting it close? You know how it is, right....? I painted the headers flat white 'bout 10 minutes ago.


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nuttin like lettin it gas out at the contest!!! i love the smell of lacquer in the morning!! lol

came out verrry nice,,, good luck at the show...

oh yeah, don't DROP it from here to there.... hehehe

Edited by weasel
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