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Candy Help

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Hi all,

i was wondering if anyone can help me out with spraying candies. i dont have an air brush, i just use rattle cans, cant afford the air brush. so any tips on how to do it right? the problems i always seem to have are that it chips off or it goes on way to thick and i end up losing panel lines. if it makes a difference (and im sure it does) ive been using testors enamels. pleaase help cause i really like the look of candies but im getting sick of paint bombs when i use them :wacko: . any help is appreciated!



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Can you post a photo of your problems ? I have used that on a couple of cars with OK results. Did you prime before spraying the silver or gold underbase ? Since your using enamel you have to let it dry much longer before hitting it with the candy. Follow the directions for recoating and all should be good. The only trouble I ever had with candy is that it nevers seems to flow into the panel lines around the doors and such but that is an easy fix .

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Make sure the car is primered, then add the silver or gold base heat up the can of candy in some hot water from the tap for about 5 min then shake for about a min, this will make the paint more thinner and add pressure and will lay much smoother, Cold paint goes on to thick and does not lay smooth. you need to lay light coats from at least 14' away while shaking the can with a side to side motion. You will be waisting more paint this way but the final prouduct will be flawless.

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thanks for the tips. i do lay primer on first, and i have been using a silver base. on the last one i experimented with white, the color came out great but that is the one where it went on really thick. i have one in the works that i want to do candy blue so ill try out what you guys said with that.

here is a pic of one where the paint flecked off. i dont have any pics of the merc yet. (the thick one)post-9551-0-68338400-1334782750_thumb.jp

you can see on the corner of the hood area where it flaked. it happened a bit mor after the pic was taken.

i forgot, another problem that i seem to have alot with the candies is dark undertones, although i have to say usually i dont mind them as they seem to add a bit.

is the duplicolor a model paint or are we talking duplicolor auto paint? where can i get it?

Edited by scampy72
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With candy paint it's very important to keep your coats light. It can be very tempting to try to lay it all down in one paint session but you will always end up with runs and drips and thin spots around edges and panel lines. Since the paint comes out of a can in a manner akin to a fire hose you really have to go light in the early stages to build the proper depth, your first coats should barely cover the whole panel. I paint a thin coat on and let it sit a few minutes before applying another thin coat and just keep building the depth until the color is even.

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After a coat of primer and a base coat of gold or silver, spray a light coat of your candy colored paint. Note I usually allow about 20 minutes drying time between coats and I'm using Testor's lacquer paint from a "rattlecan." After 20 minutes spray another light coat of color. With candy colored paints you cannot spray too many color coats or your finish will darken to the point that your base coat won't shine through and therefore you'll lose the "candy effect" and your paint job will end up being more of a solid color. So be careful about the number of candy color coats that you use.

I like to use lacquer rather than enamels as they are thinner and dry faster leaving less time for foreign objects to invade your paint. They also smell better . LOL! I hope this helps.

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