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Who Here Hunts?

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By hunting I mean going out and searching for 2nd hand kits? I buy kits from everywhere, yard sales, flea markets 2nd hand stores. I do buy some at retail but I like the hunt as much as the kits themselves. In fact yesterday I got a 1955 Ford Pick up from a thrift store for $1.50 and a 1940 Ford delivery from a antique store for $8.00. But I do support our local Hobby Shop as well by buying all my paints and such from there and the new kits that I just have to have.

I have found some cool older stuff at the Yard Sales and Flea Markets and normaly don't pay more than $2.00 to $5.00 per kit and I was just wondering how many others "hunt" for thier kits?

These are the kits I got for $9.50



**I borrowed the pictures from the internet**

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I wasn't hunting, but walking a the flea market and with the corner of my eye I saw a kit on sale, funny was the same of your! A 194o Sedan Delivery. Kit already build out of the box, literally, no pain only the raw pieces put together! But for $3 why no... :D

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I do but the completion is pretty bad here . Most evry hobby shop by me closed so it's tough to find kit as ther are many hunters.

There are some other hunters here but most go for diecast, which I do as well but I mostly watch for kits.

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I try, but Very little Luck in my area.

in 15-20 years of trying, I have found less than 10 models.

Bigfoot 1 was first find. unbuilt, only $1.50 sealed inside too!!

Glue Bomb 77 & 79 Trans Am's about $1.oo for the 2.

My last find, late April a 68/9 GTO for only $5.oo Sealed

I have a friend who goes to Many more every week and has found a little.

First was an Original Monogram 1/32 Mack CF Pumper.

Last week no kit, but an NWSL "Chopper", Toll rack, Paint Shaker, 1/35 scale ruler, etc

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I have found quite a few decent buys at flea markets, thrift and antique shops, and yard sales. Lately, though, it seems that pickins are getting slimmer. I have family members who are avid "shoppers", and they call me when they find models, trains, GI Joes, RC stuff, etc. When I do go out with the wife, I turn on the hobby radar.

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  • I go to a lot of auctions, estate sales and garage sales. I find several kits each year. I never find anything really rare, but I find a lot of neat discontinued kits at cheap prices. I never know what I am going to find. This year, I have gotten a Grant King Sprint car, a Datsun 510, a "Woodstock" 29 woody, a Tweedy Pie with the big rear tires and motorcycle fronts )In the nasty folding box) and a Johan 64 Dodge.

  • I like the looks of that racer. That 300 would also make a pretty nice Super Stock drag car. Lots of ways to build that kit. I think that would make an awsome convertible, or a sweet wagon converison. (Maybe even a pickup version...)

  • In the last 25 years, while hunting for models, I have found furniture, wheels for my Cougar, my lawnmower, tools, a girlfriend, a television for the cabin, fountain pens, a dog, a sailboat, the ugliest table in the world, a job, and a stuffed toy crab that is supposedly worth more than the car I brought it home in. We both have fun, and we have an agreement. She doesn't complain about my models and tools, and I don't complain about her figurines, statues and collector plates. When we get too much stuff amassed, we hold a garage sale to end all garage sales and get rid of all of our buyer's remorse items. Then we go out and start over again.

Dave Manley

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Man the title got me, But yes I hunt kits as well and other stuff I can use. If I can't use the car I will at least get the rims. One local flea market. Some guy wants 20+ for his kits and they are not that old or rare, just a bit worn out boxes. Right across from him I have found kits for 6 and less but some up to 20 I think but they were older and sealed. Most of them around 12 and 15 bucks. I picked up an f350 for $10 and he has a 59 caddy and 58 or 59 impala for $12 or $15. At one point I got a 59 caddy, dragon vette, and a nomad for $19.

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Well I found the metaphorical watering hole for hunting where all the good stuff is.I was riding my Trail 70 though the neighbor hood behind mine looking for old cars for reference pic's.I stumbled across a 39 Merc street rod and a Mach 1 mustang.After I finished taking pictures I was talking to the guy about how the pic's were for reference for model cars,He said"So you like model car kits?Let me show you something." I walked into the house to find over FOUR THOUSAND VINTAGE model kits!.They were his dad's kits that he had been collecting for most of his life.Later his father showed up and me and him talked for a good hour.And the funny thing is that he lives under 1/2 mile from my house!He was estatic to learn that someone else close by loved models just as much as he did.Oh and just to point out some things he had,Every 3n1 AMT kit, every Monogram kit except for ten,entire gangbusters series,the entire showrod series "The one with the pink panther",and more.Turns out he is also an Ebay power seller to,so he would sell a lot of stuff in there.

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