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Fairmont drag car build - Hanging/hinging DS door 8/10/16

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Hey Chuck - Thanks for your encouragement!

Thank you, Bill. I’ll try to keep it going in that direction... LOL

Thanks Jim! I need to send you a sample of some 1/16th PE rotors I just got in to see how they work with your hats.

Hey Thanks Charlie. I love your braided line. I’m going to use it as much as possible for this build.

Thank you, Phil. Yes - our respective Fairmonts are two totally different animals. I’m very preferential toward “ours”... They made for some neat drag cars in their day, and I still like the body style, even though they are pretty boxy. Also, I'm glad to hear that you're seeing how some of my stuff goes together. If you keep watching you'll get to see even more... :)

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  • 7 months later...

OK. I'm gonna pull this one by its bootstraps again and see if I can make some more progress. I'm working on some tinwork for it that I am hoping to do in photo etch when all is said and done. Still not quite finished getting the pieces done to my satisfaction, but I'm getting closer. I can add etch lines to imitate bead rolled work on them and the nose panel. I got a start on some roll cage work but don't have pics for that available to post yet. More later.




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I hope to post some pics of roll cage construction over the next while. I'll start with a pic of the jig I made. I drew up the dimensions and shape in my CAD program, printed it and cut it out and taped the silhouette of it in the pan so I could see how it would fit. After a bit of tweaking, I was happy with where things fit, then laid out the points where the .080 styrene rod would wrap to place the bends. I had to buy a heat gun a couple weeks ago to de-solder an old metal doll body for my wife, so used the heat gun to help set the bends in the main hoop. More to come...


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I was able to make a bit of progress on the roll cage, but more so the pan, over the weekend. I’m working on the door cross-bars and really need to get them finalized so the main hoop is totally locked in before I can do much more on the rear half of the car. I was able to add the bulkhead between the tubs and add a section of filler that spans the width of the rear window.

This is where I kind of picked up from at the start of the weekend


This pic shows a bit farther along in the process. I'm lousy at documenting step-by-step construction like lots of you guys are. Wish I was better, but oh well...


It's kind of hard to tell from this angle but there is actually some curvature to the filler strip.


It's a pretty tight fit to get the pan in since the package shelf piece stays with the pan and must fit up between the rear window framework and the deck lid flange.


This shot is before I added any filler to in the strip.


I'm now trying to get an idea how the diagonal tubes will fit into the equation.


Closeup of the previous shot. I'm using aluminum tubing so it will be straight and more rigid than styrene rod.


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Thanks for the kind words, Ronnie. FYI, your parts went out yesterday.

Thank you, Dave. I don't feel like I do as good a job of documenting as several guys, here. My situation isn't real conducive to doing lots of photography as I go.

Hey thanks Henry - I appreciate it.

I got some more work done last night. Got both sets of door bars in.




As much as possible, I want to create the illusion that all the tubing is tied together. It won't always play out that way, but it's my goal. This shot demonstrates that intent. After getting the remainder of the tubing in, I intend to remove the entire cage so it can be painted a different color from the pan. More to come!


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