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Tamiya Putty

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Hello guys.

I would really like to know if there is a secret in applying Tamiya Putty onto cars?

As when i apply a coat with my fingers to a side guard of a car, It seems to not be able to sculpt etc.

( Seems to dry too quick ) I have tried some water on my finger tips without any luck also.

So can someone here lend a hand it helping me out ?

What is the easiest way to apply Tamiya putty .


Looking forward to your reply


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I've used it, but found it a little hard to sand as well. What I do is use enough of the Tamiya for the main shape, then scuff it with rough sand paper, then do my final filling and sanding with 3-M Spot putty. I prefer the 3-M Acryl-Blue or Green over the red, they seem to dry better and faster.

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It would help to know which Tamiya putty you are using. They make three very different kinds. Only the 2-part epoxy putty would work like modeling clay and be helped w/water for shaping. They also have a traditional style (gray), and a UV-light-curing putty.

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For the Tamiya 'basic' 1-part putty, I use my handy-dandy X-Acto #1 handle and an old #11 blade to apply it. I keep a small stash of 'too-dull-for-regular-use' #11 blades just for that reason.

Hello Dave

The basic putty is for small repairs /filling etc. If you are using this as a scupting putty there are much beter products available. Such as milliputty orr evenTamiyas 2 part epoxy putty I myself have not used Tamiya 2 part epoxy putty someone here could tll you more on that. Also the basic putty has a good amount of shrinking you may want to use something that has alot less or even no shrinking to it. Just my 2cents.

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I get my Milliput at my Local Hobby shop which stocks it. It should be available at any place that has a good stock of military model supplies, The figure guys use a lot of it too.

Try squadron.com I just checked and they stock it. It comes in 4 grades from really fine grained to coarser. I use the cheaper stuff and seems fine to me. I think the guys who are sculpting figures like the more expensive finer stuff. It's all good.

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Hello Dave

The basic putty is for small repairs /filling etc. If you are using this as a scupting putty there are much beter products available. Such as milliputty orr evenTamiyas 2 part epoxy putty I myself have not used Tamiya 2 part epoxy putty someone here could tll you more on that. Also the basic putty has a good amount of shrinking you may want to use something that has alot less or even no shrinking to it. Just my 2cents.

I really don't do any major sculpting, just small repairs and filling....the basic putty is indeed good for that. I just use the #11 to apply it as it's much more precise than a fingertip; I can really make sure it gets into small crevices and such.

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