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Nightmare Kits CBP - aka Masochistic Modelers Anonymous


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Well I had mine on the top shelf and the styrene addict cat of mine knocked it off ( I had it in one of plastic shoe box tubs that I keep all my models in. ) I don't know if it was the fall or my wife slamming the door open that smashed it to little bits.. this happened a few days ago.. been kinda upset over it.. I am just now posting about it.. I am not sure if I will try to fix it or scrap it

Time to kill that cat.

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Can I get in on this? I have a kit of the Revell BRE/Datsun 240Z I just bought as a glue bomb......and it is definitely a doozy! All the parts are there but there is glue everywhere! Including the glass! :blink:

It was worse last night before starting on the glue removal process.

Heres a few examples of the "win" involved.....Note the supports were left in on the windshield and rear window then glass was glued to them!





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Alright! Thanks Rob.

Bought this gluebomb partially built kit for $13 shipped off of fleabay.

Good day of progress yesterday, got all the 40 year old glue stripped off of everything (even the glass!) Fixed all the broken pieces as well.




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How did you strip off the old glue?

The glass turned out great.

Thanks Vaughn! I used Easy Off oven cleaner. Sprayed it down and let it sit overnight. Rinsed right off in the morning. Works great as long as the glue does not marr the surface.

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Ken, did you use the Easy Off on the clear plastic too? I always thought it would ruin the clear. Maybe it was like you said on mine when I tried it, the surface may have already been marred.

Thanks Vaughn! I used Easy Off oven cleaner. Sprayed it down and let it sit overnight. Rinsed right off in the morning. Works great as long as the glue does not marr the surface.

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Ken, did you use the Easy Off on the clear plastic too? I always thought it would ruin the clear. Maybe it was like you said on mine when I tried it, the surface may have already been marred.

If you dont leave it on too long it wont damage the surface it is on. If the clear gets cloudy you can rub it out with compound and wax.

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I once had about six or seven of my favorite models displayed on the fireplace mantle, (back in the '80s), when my stepson's half jungle cat he brought home ran across the mantle and knocked every one of them off. I was ready to kill the cat, it went on to destroy many things in our house until, my son and the cat moved out upon which time he had her de-clawed. I have since made up with my son but. never the cat. The cat hid from me every time I went to my son's house to visit and lived to a ripe old age of 23. And I have gone on to build many more models, so don't feel alone. I do sympathise with you. :(

I still have the ford.. but I am working on the TZH project for a little wile. at least until I cool down on it and recollect my thoughts and rebuild steam. I usually do.. the TZH took a fall but only one thing broke on it.. I need to get one of those shock collar things put it on that cat LOL

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I still have the ford.. but I am working on the TZH project for a little wile. at least until I cool down on it and recollect my thoughts and rebuild steam. I usually do.. the TZH took a fall but only one thing broke on it.. I need to get one of those shock collar things put it on that cat LOL

Wanna borrow my dogs? They're small but they'd make short work of that cat. We USED to have a LOT of feral cats in our neighborhood that would hang out in our yard. We don't have very many feral cats anymore.

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