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Since I am stuck until I can get to the hobby shop this weekend, I decided to mock up my next build. I hope it goes here under pickups :)

Anyway, I am going to do a 66 El Camino topless cruiser.

Here is what I am starting off with:


Here is the mock up. I am going to try to keep it close to that low. Not sure yet what that will entail but I want it LOW. Top will get cut off leaving the windshield and vent windows and a little of the top right behind the windshield.


I want to cut out the detail of this hood and use it. If I can find a cowl somewhere I might use that. I could buy a resin cowl if I could find one. If not though, I like this hood detail anyway and think it would look good.


And here is the color I'm going with. Probably white as an accent color but still debating. Need to find a good color to offset the purple.


I'll probably work on this a little until I get the parts I need this weekend for my 41 chevy pickup.

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Yellow is purples complimentary color.

Yeah that's what I thought. I really don't like yellow with purple though. I might do white as a main accent with yellow as a third accent color (pinstripe or something). I think for a cruiser I should go with white as a secondary color. Then maybe yellow or red as a third accent.

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I've also had good results using orange and/or yellow green as an accent with purple. Anything that even leans toward yellow usually looks good. l've also lightened up the purple to an almost lavender for a 2-tone.

Orange wouldn't be too bad. I could see yellow and orange pinstripes down the body maybe.

Silver looks good and you can use different shades, from a white to almost gray. Experiment with some colors too, you might be surprised to see what actually looks nice with the purple you have chosen!

I like silver myself. I was actually thinking a gray or light gray with purple accents for the interior with some minor accents in yellow.

I actually didn't pick out the color. My wife picked out the car and said it should be done in purple and pink for the interior. I said no to the pink. Honestly pink goes with purple but that wasn't the look I had in mind. All I saw was the body lines of the car and thought it would look cool topless. I was okay with the purple but i think pink would have been too much of a similar color.

Anyway thanks for the ideas guys!

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I have finished my 41 chevy pickup and now have officially started this project.

I am going to use the 283 engine out of my 65 chevy pickup for this. (I want the 396 for the pickup) Besides you don't need a huge engine to cruise.

I am up in the air about what I am going to do with the bed. I might throw a bench seat in there or I might make it a speaker enclosure with clear bed cover. I would need to buy some stuff from scaledreams for the latter. I'm leaning toward the bench seat for cruising. I might make some spots in the bed for speakers as well.

Anyway, here are some pics:

Here are angles of where I am going to cut the top off. I made the lines farther out than I need just so I can work it down to the correct spot.





Hood size is way different. I'm not sure if I can get the cut-out to fit the original hood right. I need to find somewhere I can buy a resin cowl or maybe another type of scoop.


More updates when I can get back to the bench.

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I was able to get a little body work done today.

I got the both driver and passenger sides emblems and locks shaved. Also sanded down behind the door. I still need to take a little more off the passenger side.



Here is the tailgate with the handle and Chevrolet logo shaved.


I think I am going to use these seats in it. I like how the headrest comes up and are visible above the door.



I'll do some more body work tomorrow. I'll finish off the passenger side and get the windshield area down to where I want it and sand down the edge a little so it's not as thick there. I will probably start dechroming parts tomorrow as well.

I am also thinking about doing a wired distributor on this build. I read that Ethernet cables inner wire is a good size for it and I have tons of it around and a couple cables that don't work to scavenge the wires from. I'm going to start looking for a tutorial on it. I've worked on cars and rebuilt engines a long time ago so I've got a basic idea what to look for to make it look somewhat right.

I think I am going to go with a bed cover that lifts up with a speaker box in the bed. I would still need to get some parts to do that though which is fine since it will be a week until I can get to the hobby shop next. I've been looking at the dodge charger srt8 to scavenge the electronics, wheels, and dash/console from. I could also just order what i need from scale dreams except the dash/console. I don't know.

Let's see.... anything else while I'm rambling... Suspension! I have no idea yet what I will be doing with it. I'm not sure how much I need to lower it yet. I'm thinking I might have to C notch the frame in back. And I for sure know I have to lower the front some how just looking at where the frame is in the pics. Again, (sigh) I don't know. I haven't really thought that far yet. I've just been focused on the body so far.

Anyway, I should have more pics tomorrow night.

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I was able to get the area behind the windshield sanded down where it needs to be.


Here it is mocked up.


I really need to find a cowl for the hood.



Here's the engine together. It is the 283 from my 65 Chevy Pickup.


I'm thinking I might tape off the tranny and paint it silver/aluminum instead of purple. Not sure yet. Pretty sure I'm going to do a wired distributor on it. Something new to do.


Got the dash, radiator, and firewall detail cut out as well.

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I was also able to get the front suspension cut out to get a closer look at what it will take to lower this thing.


Not sure how I am going to get this lower with the way it's designed.



The front needs to come up quite a bit to get it as low as I want it.


The rear suspension I can probably get to drop 2-3 scale inches fairly easily. It's just the front that is going to be irritating. I've lowered a car before but this is designed funky. The spindles would be a pain to cut out. If cutting them out and extending them is the only way then that's what I have to do. If anyone has any ideas on lowering the front, I'd appreciate the input.

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sweet cant wait to see more love that color

The original color was a rattle can plum but I wanted to try my hand at airbrushing some nail polish and my daughter had this stuff and wasn't going to use it so I grabbed it. I just need to get a primer for it. I have to drive 40 miles for the primer I want but it'll be worth it.

This is a great idea! I can't help but think it needs a rack and a couple surf boards in the back.

Yeah it has that feel to it but I think the surf board thing is too typical. I was thinking maybe a hawaiian shirt pattern on the bed cover and for the seats/interior in places. something like this:


I'll figure that out when I am closer to that point.

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So not really an update but I am out of primer and most of my body work is finished. Friday I should be able to get to the big city to get primer and other supplies. I think I'm going to make a paint booth(/box?) for my airbrush since I'm working in the basement and not outside really anymore. Also might make one or two 2' x 4' workbenches soon. I think I can make them for around $20 each.

Anyway, I'll have pics of whatever it is I get done this weekend.

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Lowering the front shouldnt be too hard, just cut that round area completely off then get some small rectangular rod and fit it between the upper and lower "a" arms with the wider side facing the outside of the vehicle. Then drill a hole where you want the centerline of the tire to be and glue in some round rod to slide the back-side of the wheel onto. If you have trouble with this description I could draw a diagram for you. Keep in mind when you change one thing it can effect ten, mock up your intended ride height ,then check clearance on things like the oil pan, trans pan and exhaust.

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Lowering the front shouldnt be too hard, just cut that round area completely off then get some small rectangular rod and fit it between the upper and lower "a" arms with the wider side facing the outside of the vehicle. Then drill a hole where you want the centerline of the tire to be and glue in some round rod to slide the back-side of the wheel onto. If you have trouble with this description I could draw a diagram for you. Keep in mind when you change one thing it can effect ten, mock up your intended ride height ,then check clearance on things like the oil pan, trans pan and exhaust.

I figured that's about how simple it would be and from what I have mocked up, I don't think I'll have any real clearance problems. If you could post a pic of how you would do the rectangular rod I would appreciate it.

going to be a cool cruiser..I like the topless look

I think it just fits the body lines perfect.

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I made it to the hobby shop and some other places today. I now have primer and can start playing with the colors. I still need to build my spray booth before I do any serious spraying. I might try and get the parts tomorrow but will probably be Saturday.

Also got a Dremel drill press. I can't wait to get it set up.

I should have some pics either tomorrow or Saturday of what ever progress I get done. Probably some paint on some spoons and some primer on the body and engine and stuff.

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So no painting yet today. I got my Dremel Drill Press put together and my paint booth most of the way together. Its functional just no on/off switch hooked up yet.


I have the switch just need to wire it in. I'm waiting to do that until I get a spot where I am planning to keep the booth semi-permanently.


I'm not sure what I'll be able to get done tomorrow, I'm going to a concert. I should be able to paint some on Monday though. I might throw on some primer tomorrow that way it'll be ready Monday to lay down some color.

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So I just went and threw some black and white primer on a couple of spoons so I can mix and test the paint tomorrow before the concert hopefully. Then I can prime the engine and some other parts once I know which primer I want to use for best shade of purple.

I also need to get some shade of yellow and some silver nail polish.

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