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1936 MG SA Saloon


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This is the first wire wheel off my new jig......I would show more but I have filled photobucket and need to set up another account :unsure: .................or take stuff off. :( ........


This will work out nicely ,,,just have to learn how to use the jig and get the $%^%$& nail out............................ B)

Kenn :)

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Open your posts under More Reply Options and you can use this site's Attachment feature to put images in your posts, directly from your computer. Just follow the prompts. The posted image will appear as a thumbnail; just click to enlarge,

Edited by sjordan2
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I have filled my basic photobucket with photos and can not add any more to photobucket unless I delete some from there,,,,,I have no problems getting them from there to here tho.

I am thinking I am going to have to put the bulk of my pictures someplace else. But if I delete them from photo bucket which I had to they will not show here. I do see what you are saying tho....they would not require a sedondary place to store them. Thank you


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moving ahead,,,lets do some of those wire wheels. I think I have got it down to where I can make them up in a reasonable amount of time. Most of the time is ,,,of course,,,watching glue dry :P

The back board is plywood, probably far exceeding the thickness needed but it is what I had. 24 nails spaced around the outside, kinda in a 6 " dia circle.


I built up the center to make it easier to glue things together. Center hubs are made to slip onto the axels I have in place already. This was a must that I could do this. I added a simple knock off hub to hold the tires on after they are mounted.


I used wax paper down over the base since the super glue does not like wax paper and wont stick to it. Then set the lower round hub in place and started the first round ot fish line in the lower part of the center spimdle and a second round on the upper part od the spindle.


Then let this dry under a weight. Note this picture is from the first trial and the files were used to raise the wheel assembly up but is not needed in the final version.


finshed hub. I will let this set up for a few hours before I remove it.



thank you for looking..

Kenn :rolleyes:

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Hey Kenn if you're having trouble with Photobucket, make another account and upload your pics there. It makes this thread more fun to follow when the pictures don't need to be enlarged, and it maybe makes them easier to post, too? I don't know, I have never used the Thumbnails system. I made another Photobucket account too while back, and without it I guess my Photobucket account would have been full of pics soon, too.

Anyway the model looks excellent so far. I really like how the Wheels look. Hmm, that might be worth trying since I need wire wheels for couple of Front Engine Dragster projects....

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Thank you for the suggestion on photobucket. That sounds like a good way of diuung things.

As for the wire wheels I have to make a different backer board with 8 more nails to make them come out right, There are still some snags with it but whell worth the time taken and they really are not as hard as you would think. I have the opinion that most modelers with a little skill, (most of those on the forum) could very easily come with a decent set of wires for their own project, like you are thinking. They can get more delicate and just as strong as the plastic faux wires. It is amazing how strong the fish line really is and how stiff the wheel are when they are done. I sent some to the chrome shop for a quick test to see how the line works under paint. I will continue to work on them in as that I have several cars in the back that I need to finish that need the wire.

Thank you all for following the build.


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a new photobucket account. The old link from previous posts still works and has about 450 pictures of this project. Did the final primer coat this weekend andhere is the results. We are getting very close to color on this but by no means does that mean completion, so many details yet to make as it is assembled.




And last a shot of the front bumper fresh fromthe chrome shop.


As always I thank those that are following the build.

Kenn :)

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Fitting things together again......





Now it is starting to look like a real car................. :P Without the wires it would die,whith the wires it comes alive. I am so happy I went ahead and plunged into tackling the rims.

Thise following will agree that the rims make the car even more spectacular...............can't wait to get to color brushed on this....or dig out the bug sprayer again :blink:

Kenn :rolleyes:

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. I'm still learning to try and read threads about cars I have no interest in and this thread is another that reminds me you don't have to like something to appreciate the thought, planning,problem solving and talent it takes to pull something off and make it work. This build is great can't wait to see what's next and the finished model.

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Thank youfor taking the time to look, and thank you for the comments. I have been fiddleing with the wire wheels today trying to get the process down and parts assembled that I need to do the job easily. :) as if this is easy when you have no clue what you are doing. The big problem is getting them to look full and filled so that they look like the 1;1. I do have one on the drying rack now that I think fills the bill. I rebuilt the backer board with 32 pegs and it seems to be working. I will be replacing the temporary wires I have on there with the better ones that I do this week.


I will be starting with the first of 3 colors on the body tomorrow, nothing much but the firewall will have a gloss black finish with details picked out in red yellow and blue. Then after about 2 days drying I will shoot the cream delow the belt and on the hood. This will have to dry a few days them I can get the green shot. It is getting closer as I close in on 45 days build.



Kenn :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the comments and support. It does help in the producing of a better model. :)

This is the last part of the history I am posting, a total of 5 parts. I have including this to give some information to those not familiar with the car and to show how important it was to MG.

Other changes implemented were the replacement of the original bolt-on wheels with centre-lock wire wheels but even
once production had started in earnest, there were continual changes in specification, which made a mockery of the
so-called Nuffield efficiency. These changes could only be attributed to faulty initial design of the components;
eventually even the complete chassis frame was modified. By the time of the 1936 Motor Show, circumstances dictated
a price rise with the saloon now costing £389 and the Charlesworth open tourer at £385. The Tickford Coupe was
introduced at £415. Early in 1937, the engine capacity was changed yet again to 2322 cc, probably to comply with
Nuffield standardisation of models and there was little if any improvement in performance as a result.
The performance could be described as adequate rather than exhilarating, with the car weighing in at almost a
ton and a half and with only 75.3 bhp available, acceleration could only compare to its 18/80 forerunners.
The SA did however have a genuine top speed of nearly 85 mph and could sustain a cruising speed all day long of
70 mph plus.

Now back to the model. I taped up the firewall with just masking tape since I just wanted to keep overspray off the outside of the body and a crisp line is not an issue.


Carefully pumping up the bug sprayer I slopped some paint on the firewall, a coat of black.. :lol:



After this dries I will pick out some color to spiff it up a bit and so the engine room does not look to monocromatic. The real one seems to have a lot of black in the ones I could see but with a little artistic licence (it is permitted in this case since I hold the paint brush :P ) I just feel I want to dress it up a bit.

Thanks to all the followers for their support, I like hearing of the little bits that I have been able to pass along for those building kits to help make them easier or better..

Kenn :rolleyes:

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The fire wall is done.........................................clapping in the background................. :lol: when the body is installrd on the frame and the motor is installed the wiring will get done.



More pictures following this link.......................http://s1297.beta.photobucket.com/user/shutter-bug1/library/1936%20MG%20SA%20saloon

The previous link also works yet............ :)

Thanks for keeping up with me on this project................

Kenn :rolleyes:

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