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Stardust Cuda AA/FC


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I'm on a roll now.

Started this one nearly a year and half ago. After having major issues with the decals. I got disgusted with it and put it back in the case. Seems like every decal I pulled out of the water either craked or split on me( some of which can be seen in these pics ) .

Well,,,,,, after stareing at it above the workbench it all this time. I decided it was good enough and pulled it back down this weekend and finished it .

It's Polar Lights kit. Built 100% box stock . Painted a duplicolor medium blue laquer straight from a rattle can with one coat of a rattle can urethane clear. Not super shiney but I think pretty close the real car.

Not being real happy with all the chrome on the engines in these kits. I stripped a lot of it of and repainted in colors to better represent the actual cars back then. Injector hat is duplicolor chrome to look like polished aluminum, blower itself is stripped and painted in metalizers magnesium . Wheels were stripped and painted in testors brass .

Learned a new trick on this one. Using a sharpie paint marker makes it a lot easier to get the black trim around the glass, and a silver one worked great to do the trim around the grille openings.

2 finished builds off the bench and in the case in under a week,,, has to be a record for me !!!!!!!

Now,,,,,,, , wheres that next unfinished project ?????



As always comments good and bad , much appreciated



Edited by gtx6970
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I liked this car in 1969. Definitely one of the top Funnies of the day and always looked pretty as well. After reading your comments on the decals and Aaron's, I looked close for cracks and I think maybe there is a crack above the left front wheel well. Tough to see though. So I think you overcame the problem quite well. Nice clean build.

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Thanks all. Overall I am pretty happy with it. Although I've done a couple of the Polar Lights Chargers, This is the 1st Barracuda version I've done. And I've seen several builds online and the nose always looks to high ,, so I was worried .

It came out Ok. far from perfect. But good enough for my display case.

Thanks again

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