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AMT 1966 Ford Galaxie 500

Custom Mike

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What? Another WIP when the Duster isn't finished yet? Sam's gonna be ticked off, but he'll be fine, the Duster is almost done anyhow. This one's happening because I've got a great idea for a killer paint job, and I'm using the Galaxie because...well, it was just sitting there! B)

Let's start by deepening the panel lines and getting rid of the mold lines, which weren't that bad for an old tool!

I also removed the trim pieces from the B-pillars, they would have been buried under the paint anyhow!




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And finally some color...but this is just the start, trust me, this is gonna be a wicked paint job if it works out like the picture in my head!

Dupli-Color Metalcast Purple anyone?


That's all for tonight, gotta let the paint cure so I can do the masking!

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Thanks guys, if this paint job comes out right, it'll be a killer! I still haven't decided what I'm doing with the rest of it, my only plan right now is to get the paint right. I figure the rest of the build will take whatever path it wants to go down, I'm just gonna go along for the ride and enjoy it!

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The purple is not the primary color, that's all I'm gonna say about that. I had an idea for a cool (I hope at least) paint scheme, and just had to get started on it before I lost the picture in my head. Now to see if it works out like I'm hoping!

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  • 3 weeks later...

One and the same James, it's been sitting there staring at me, so I had to finally break down and build it. The body had an issue, It's in the tank right now, I screwed up on smoothing out the purple, so it's back to square one. I knew this paint scheme would give me fits, but it will get done!

I did get some work done on the engine for it, and I gotta tell ya, this kit's engine is horrible! I wanted to go with the SOHC engine, but man, that is some poorly molded styrene! Not one of the three intakes in the kit fit properly, the two sets of heads were no better, and lots of sanding had to be done to get it to look good after I glued both halves together. I'm still not sure if I'm going to invest any time in detailing it, it's pretty much going to depend on how it looks once I throw some color on it.

Look at the back of the intake...I trimmed the left side of it off, the right side is what it looked like before I worked on it...


Trimmed up, much better than it was before. I've got to clean it up a bit more though...

A shot of the front end...look at how well those heads fit...and that's after a bit of massaging and foul language!

And the timing cover...just beautifully done!

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OK, after looking at the stock version of this engine, I decided I was gonna go with the SOHC version. I decided no piece of styrene is gonna beat me, so I broke out a second one of this kit, grabbed the engine and SOHC parts, the dual quad intake, and put a whuppin' on it! Here's what this dog of an engine looked like before it got sanded into submission!

All the SOHC parts were chromed, so they got stripped, then the engine was made to look like it actually fit together and the front cover was glued on. It actually was the only part that fit well...

Intake mocked up, it looks like a good fit until you add the heads in...

Yeah, the front cover and intake aren't quite a good fit...

The front cover and intake aren't quite the same level on the other side either...the valve cover has to sit across both of these, so they have to be level, gotta do some work!

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And of course, this is how the exhaust joins to the engine, that's nice and even, ain't it? Also note the height of the head compared to the front cover, yeah, this is gonna take some work!

Not only is the head taller than the front cover, it's at a different angle too!

Not too bad this way, at least it's even with the intake!

Here's the other head, it's gotta be level with the block..should be real fun to do this part!

Once again, this has to be down to the level of the block AND the intake so the valve cover will sit flat...yeah, I like a challenge!

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OK, time to get to work! I broke out the sanding sticks and a Sharpie, and got to it. The red shows what had to be removed to get it looking like an engine!


After attacking the driver's side head, I had a nice little hole where I removed too much plastic...

A little strip styrene added to the inside of the head...

And a bit of putty added to finish it off. I'm not looking for perfection, since you'll never see this area, just enough to fill the hole I made.


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OK, after three hours of sanding, here's where it all comes together! Remember, the red is what needs to go away so the valve covers will sit flat on the heads...my arms are now tired!






Some Primer/Sealer thrown at the beaten-down engine, I win this round!

That big hole in the front right corner? That's for the distributor, this beast is getting wired too!



And one of the valve covers, drilled out and ready for some wires!

Edited by Custom Mike
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After looking at some reference pics on Google, I found that the distributor on the 428 is nearly centered on the front of the intake, Since I drilled my intake for the location AMT had on the part, I got a new intake out, drilled as close to center as I could, and put a notch in the front cover. I've still got to refine the hole in the block a bit so the distributor sits straight, but the mock-up shots look pretty good for about two hours work!



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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, time for some updates! I finally got the engine all trimmed up and ready for paint, and de-chromed the valve covers, they'll get painted with some Metalizer Aluminum Plate. So the engine is now ready for some Ford Blue, here's the pics to prove it!

The red lines need to go away, the black lines tell me when to stop....

The offending excess plastic has been removed, and the distributor and heads were thrown on to see how it all looks...

The oil pan was de-chromed and glued on, and the engine re-primed to see how it's looking...

Not too bad, now I can paint this baby finally. Oh, and the fuel pump will be removed, I'll add an electric fuel pump somewhere, but that tiny thing has got to go!

The last step was enlarging the hole for the Fatkidd distributor, and making the notch in the front cover a bit bigger.

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The engine has received it's first coat of Ford Blue, but it's gonna get another coat, it just didn't cover well enough. I tried painting the valve covers with some Metalizer Aluminum Plate, and used some Detail Master Krome Foil on the ribs, hoping to be able to buff out the ribs and reveal the foil, but it didn't work well at all, so a second set has been de-chromed and I'll try it another way. The body also lost the Galaxie 500 scripts on the quarter panels, they were just too light to be seen under a few coats of paint, so they had to go. But the body is back in primer, so maybe I can get the paint right the second time around, we'll see!






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I also got the teardrop hood ready for primer by opening up the holes so I could add some mesh, and getting rid of the horribly bad hood pins AMT added to the front corners, Unfortunately, the primer came out "dry", leaving a horrible texture on the hood, so it's taking a DOT-3 bath as I type. I have a spare in case this one doesn't strip, so it's all good!







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That's an insane amount of sanding work on the engine block.

I just wish regular paint would cover just like primer does.

Glad you stuck to your guns and got that block to conform

and fly right. Keep up the good work and thanks for the update.

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