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KISS van paint help

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Well I finally got my kiss van together "TO BUILD"!!! box stock. I did this kit as a kid and painted it red, if I remember right it was not that great of a color combo so I blew it up.

It seems most of these kits are sitting in the boxes on shelves and the ones to buy are around $100 bucks. I lucked out and got the van in its original form the Xtasy van kit for $20 delivered and ordered some after market decals from Australia for $15 delivered. and "tada" kiss van to build $35. The Xtasy van only came out one year to my knowledge then they slapped new Kiss decals on it and a cool box and the rest is KISShistory .

Now for the paint QUESTION. I would love to smack the guy that did that paint job for the box art. It is next to imposable to reproduce, I believe it is accomplished by painting the van a base color and after that dries you get a big pan of water and put oil based paint on top of the water then dip it thru the pattern to get that psychedelic paint, I have seen this done with eggs and papers for books. any way its way out of my league. I am thinking of going with a base coat of bright pink and then extra fine pink glitter to simulate metal fleck pink from the 70's. don't know if this will work or not will have to practice on old bodies.

Anny who

1:any suggestions on the paint

2: I can not find one picture any where on the net of this van built. seen some off brands built but not this kit. Do you have any PIC's of this van.



Edited by lazlow
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I would suggest getting the pearl ex flamingo pink flake and pearl ex salmon pink flake. The pearl ex will lay down better since they are very fine. if you are going in that direction. I am working on my own version of a kiss van but i am going in another direction.

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No it is not in a rattle can. It is a powder that you add to clear and then spray it. I know you can buy inexpensive single air brush at hobby lobby and run it off a can of propellant. which you can also get at hobby lobby. I will make sure to post pic as i am building mine.

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The easter egg effect is NOT that difficult. I tried it recently, with mixed results as you can see, but I know what I did wrong and it's not that hard.


However, on the subject of pink............Testors One Coat lacquer has an Electric Pink color that looks great. It comes in rattle cans and it goes on VERY well. Check your local hobby shop.

Oh and, I'm building this wagon just as she sits. It might not be perfect, but I think she looks cool.

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You don't need an egg coloring kit.Just use Testors spray enamel paints.

Good one.

I could not find the egg kit this time of year any where on the net that Jantrix suggested and I think that would be the easiest way. Having said that I did find the paint swirl method on line I think they used on the box art. I am going to try this on some old body's and see what happens. here is just one link to one of the paint swirl sites and a pic of one near the colors I need. this is going to take some time to get close. I don't think you could ever be exact, since each one flows differently.



Edited by lazlow
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  • 2 months later...

I manage to get my hand on an original Kiss van model kit and on the outside of the box it list the colors needed to do the kit. To my surprise is not one of the colors. It list two different brads of paint. This first is Pactra - Insignia Red, Insignia Orange and Exotic Purple, or Testor #1103 Red, #1127 Orange and #1134 Purple. The pink color on the box must be due to the model being molded in white and the process of dipping the paint to get the swirl effect left the red thin enough that it appears pink.

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