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building the cars from cars


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Thanks Carl, Seeing as Sally was motoring along I decided to start on McQueen. First up fill all the un needed holes and vents
and as his headlights are "just stickers" put the lenses in those too, to blend in so they can be painted over

so I rubs the lotion on the McQueen then I rubs it back off (thats body filler for the un knowing :) )then I rubs some more on
and tomorrow I'll rub it off and prime to find any remaining low spots

Edited by brett
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and a last couple for the night
now I know Sally doesn't actually have any sort of rear spoiler I really couldnt be bothered making up the plate necessary to replace it so I just left it really low. I did say there would be some fudged details along the way :)

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KACHOW !!! That is lookin' good, should do the version of him after the race against Doc, with all the tumblweeds stuck on his hood, or maybe the "Radiator Springs" version with the painted coves, metalflake paint & wide whites, after all most of the ones that are built are just the generic version. Oh yeah there's the one in the three wide finish with Lightnings tongue sticking out to make him longer for the photo finish. (My grandson reminded me of that one by bring all the different Lightning die-casts in for me to look at after he saw the Mater build up.) There is some "striping" in the Merc kit that can be used for Sally's "Tramp Stamp"

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thanks guys, Del, I really like the candy red with white coves rendition but will stick to the more common one for this project,although the tongue is a great idea and thank you so much for reminding me about Sallys' tramp stamp ( its now done ). Anyways, used ared guide coat over the primer for one last check of high/low spots before paint, found a couple but he's pretty close now



Now to draw out the flame masks

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thanks guys, appreciate the comments, made a simple slammer style chassis for McQueen as it seemed a waste of a ZR1, and way too much work for my allowed time frame to modify a NASCAR chassis to fit(not only was the wheelbase off it meant altering all the roll-cage as well).
quick mock up in paint
also got the lights up on Mater, just gotta get the wheels now

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Cheers Jake , got to find some wheels for Mater( 32nd scale truck/ military ), make Sally's eyebrows ( well paint and glue) and do a couple touch ups on lightning then clear and re paint his side windows , his headlights are a bit of a problem at the moment but will figure something out

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