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Remove Old Paint

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Hi everyone....some what new to the forum but have been building for 40 years. I have lots of older '70's models that Slixx has re-issued decals for and I would like to "re-build" them. I've read over the years that Castrol "Super Clean" works well on removing old paint jobs from plastic model bodys. I have a couple of questions....Do you put a top on the container that the model is submerged in and can the "Super Clean" be used again. Looking for advice. I'll post some photos as I get use to the forum. I build Drag cars and love the '70's Pro Stockers and Funny Cars...not too many that I don't have and like I said, I'd love to be able to "rebuild" some of my older ones. Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you guys!

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CSC seems to work best when it is in a covered container...I think it loses it's kick if left open. It can be reused, just strain the larger chunks of old paint off and put in a sealed container for next time. Make sure you wear gloves and eye protection...CSC will do a number on bare skin.

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Hi everyone....some what new to the forum but have been building for 40 years. I have lots of older '70's models that Slixx has re-issued decals for and I would like to "re-build" them. I've read over the years that Castrol "Super Clean" works well on removing old paint jobs from plastic model bodys. I have a couple of questions....Do you put a top on the container that the model is submerged in and can the "Super Clean" be used again. Looking for advice. I'll post some photos as I get use to the forum. I build Drag cars and love the '70's Pro Stockers and Funny Cars...not too many that I don't have and like I said, I'd love to be able to "rebuild" some of my older ones. Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you guys!

I have been using a product called Chameleon for the past year. The stuff is amazing. It is a little pricey but you filter it back into the original container and I am told it lasts for years. You can check them out at www.chameleonproductsonline.com if you like.

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Rubbing alcohol works as well.I had never used it til recently.I had an old built up that I wanted too restore.I tried CSC, brake fluid and Easy Off w/ no real luck.I tried rubbing alcohol as a last resort and within a few hours it was almost down too bare plastic, the next day,I gave it a good scrubbing w/ Joy and a toothbrush, and 99% of the paint was gone.The rubbing alcohol I used was 91%, it's relatively cheap, it was $1.58 at Wal mart.

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