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as of 5/21/2014 new dot physical requirments, if your bmi is 35 or higher or your neck is 17 inches or bigger, you must enroll in a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, if you fail sleep study you must use a monitored cpap machine all at your own cost. the health police are after us!

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The problem are these retards writing our rules and regulations. If they want to write our laws, you BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH sure well as get in the truck and drive it too. You cannot properly tell me how to do my job if you cant do it yourself, they have no idea. They are the people going up and down same highways as us and have no idea of how to even get in the truck and theyre tellin me how to do my job. This is an issue that really, deeply bothers me and do not agree with it at all, not even remotely in the area of kinda. Im sure they enjoy the house they live in, enjoy the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the toilet paper they wipe with, the car they drive, the drive way they park it on, everything at 1 point or another was on or in a truck. Their goal is to get trucks as much off the highways as possible. This greatly does not sit well with me. This country would grind quickly to halt if the trucks stopped for 1 week. It would be anarchy. Grocery stores empty within 2 days, gas stations out of gas within a 1 day, fast food and restaurants out of food, this country has no idea how screwed it would be if the trucks would just stop. I know it would never happen, but the politicians and legislators who bark and tell us how, what and when for our jobs. To quote elmer fudpucker, leave us truckers alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Conspiracy I say. BIG company's pushing GOV too get the little man off the road. Also like Clayton, them folks got a 5 year PH,D at pencil pushing and know it all but don't know jack. Not only that most of the old geysers(SP) have been in Office 40 years and fall asleep on the job. (as in) Year before last one 90 year old guy look sound a sleep, The person on the floor ask(all Ya raise you hand and he did. All Na same guy raise his again.)

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As someone that suffers from severe sleep apnea, I can say that this is a pretty good idea, IMO. Before I started with my CPAP machine I would find myself struggling to stay awake on drives longer than 30 minutes. In one instance, I nodded off and woke up on the shoulder in the left lane! That scared the pooh outta me, you better believe it. Now that I have the CPAP, I have gone on several 3+ hour drives with no issues at all. I can certainly understand the reasoning behind the regulations, but I'm not so sure the implementation is appropriate. I was fortunate enough to have 90% of the cost of my machine and first mask covered by health insurance; not everyone will be so lucky.

Edited by kataranga
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A BMI of 35 or higher is morbidly obese, greater danger of someone having a stroke or heart attack..dangerous for people that out of shape to be behind the wheel of a heavy truck...

Yes it could be

Edited by martinfan5
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Well then get out here, in the traffic, fight all the morons that cant drive a yugo, and be a truck driver, NOT A STEERING WHEEL HOLDER, people say the most ridiculous things but wont do anything about it, find us healthier, more affordable food, until then, get out of the way and let us work, your holdin up progress. I am over weight, but do not have any problems with my breathing or apnea, i do my job, i do it well, and look good doin it. Yes there are drivers that need cpaps and do need observation, not ALL. As said above, the way they are going bout it is all wrong. The government needs to get out here and put it in the wind, jamb some gears, get some bugs on the glass, keep the left door shut and hammer down, before they anybody how to do what some of us love passionately, that have diesel runnin our veins. That live for those moments that make you glad to be alive, drivin through some of the most beautiful parts of this country that most will never see, see the sunrise or sunset that nobody saw, thats who a real driver is, someone that just loves to be out there grindin away on these highways. Before anyone starts tellin me how to do my job, why not step back and observe how i do it, watch and learn.

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I don't know what a bmi is. but I been driving trucks over 25 years now and notice that every couple of years they come up with something new for us to go through but the rates never seem to go up. the dot should take a look at the way some of the 4 wheelers drive around us. but looking at both sides, it wouldn't hurt to try and be a little healthier and a little safer.

Edited by cappy625
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as of 5/21/2014 new dot physical requirments, if your bmi is 35 or higher or your neck is 17 inches or bigger, you must enroll in a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, if you fail sleep study you must use a monitored cpap machine all at your own cost. the health police are after us!

FYI total bull. The FMCSA has no such regulation. Apnea testing is NOT legally required no matter your bmi or neck size. Look it up federal motor carrier safety regulations 393.41 section b no mention of apnea testing. No new laws have been passed either. If a motor carrier requires apnea testing as part of thier DOT physical it's their requirement as a condition of employment not a DOT requirement.I most certainly do not trust the government but misinformation helps no one. Big brother is actually doing plenty with out making stuff up.

Edited by lapazleo
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As a professional driver of 16 1/2 years, I have seen changes to the regulations from the change in the hours of service from 10 hours to 11 hours of driving, 8 hours to 10 hours for the sleeper/rest break, and 15 hours on duty before a necessary rest break before driving again to the current 14 hour day once you come on duty and then the required rest break no matter how many hours you have worked or driven, and the new 34 hour restart, and have learned to live with it. The new rules on the DOT physical including the new national registry for the physicians and the new sleep apnea testing is just another set of rules I have learned to live with, and all I have to say to the steering wheel holders who are making a big fuss on the new rules, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, FIND A NEW PROFESSION!!!

Before anyone starts slamming me for my feelings on the subject or slamming the rules in general or the "retards" (as mentioned in another post in this thread) making the rules, I happen to be 6'0" tall weighing in at 358 pounds, and have a 19 1/2 inch neck size, plus I have high blood pressure and a loud snorer, all of which flagged me at my last physical in February for a sleep study and only received a 3 month medical card until I got my sleep study. Of course, at first, I felt like I was being picked on, but guess what, the sleep study showed I do have sleep apnea. Did it mean I lost my licence? NO! Did it mean my medical card wouldn't be renewed? NO! Did it mean I'd lose my job? NO! Did finding out that I do have sleep apnea and now have to use a CPAP machine at least 4 hours a night by the regulations (and I use mine the ENTIRE time I sleep) mean I'm getting better sleep than I did before the sleep study? YES!! Does it mean that I feel more rested when I get up in the morning? YES! Does it mean I have more energy not only during my working days but also my days off at home? YES!! Even though I have always been a safe driver, does this mean I'm even safer now behind the wheel? YES!! Am I happy that I found out that I did have sleep apnea and now happy that I had to get tested do to the new regulations? YES!!!!

After my sleep study, I found that my high blood pressure may actually be contributed to the sleep apnea, and it also causes moodiness and irritability because of the lack of restful sleep, and also could cause a heart attack or stroke because the apneas where I would not be getting the oxygen I needed while sleeping was overworking my heart. The way it was described to me, during an apnea event my heart would be not in a resting state the way it should be, but instead racing like I was running a marathon, and making my heart do more work than it should be.

As I said, I wasn't happy at first with the new rule, but after using my CPAP machine for a month now, I already feel much better than I have for a long time, and I'm happy with the new rules. It was an adjustment sleeping with the mask for the machine, but one I was happy to make.

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leo, dig deeper or call a clinic,it`s real!

No it's not read Landline magazine May 2014 page 24. I've been a driver and O/O for 30 years I keep up on these things. Many carriers and clinics have got it wrong. The federal motor carrier administration is silent on sleep apnea testing. Because of a few rumors a lot of people have got it wrong. In fact last year congres.s passed a bill preventing the FMCSA from implementing any such rules. I know it will do no good to present facts to you but you are incorrect. This is a modeling forum there are plenty of trucking forums for to you bs on. Might I suggest the Truckers Report.

Edited by lapazleo
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FYI total bull. The FMCSA has no such regulation. Apnea testing is NOT legally required no matter your bmi or neck size. Look it up federal motor carrier safety regulations 393.41 section b no mention of apnea testing. No new laws have been passed either. If a motor carrier requires apnea testing as part of thier DOT physical it's their requirement as a condition of employment not a DOT requirement.I most certainly do not trust the government but misinformation helps no one. Big brother is actually doing plenty with out making stuff up.

Hmmmmmm........it's funny that 391.41( b ) (5) does!!! Maybe you'd better read up on the regulations a little closer!


I also find it funny it is directly mentioned right on the long form physical report! Read under "Respiratory Dysfunction" on page 6 of the long form. All of this is part of "49 CFR 391.41 Physical Qualifications for Drivers".


Well, off to bed for me to spend a little quality time with my CPAP, and I now sleep very well knowing that my sleep is being monitored via a wireless modem that is directly attached to the machine. It's now just another part of my compliance just like my electronic log book.

EDIT: Also, by the way, my insurance took care of the testing and my carrier is taking care of the cost of the machine. The only way the machine will be anything out of pocket to me is if I leave before being employed for one year. I just see the machine as another part of my sign on bonus!

Edited by highway
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as of 5/21/2014 new dot physical requirments, if your bmi is 35 or higher or your neck is 17 inches or bigger, you must enroll in a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, if you fail sleep study you must use a monitored cpap machine all at your own cost. the health police are after us!

A BMI of 35 or more is considered "Class II Obese" (severely obese). There's only one higher classification (40 and up, or in other words, the walking dead)... so having a BMI of 35+ puts you in danger no matter what you do for a living.

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Hmmmmmm........it's funny that 391.41( b ) (5) does!!! Maybe you'd better read up on the regulations a little closer!


I also find it funny it is directly mentioned right on the long form physical report! Read under "Respiratory Dysfunction" on page 6 of the long form. All of this is part of "49 CFR 391.41 Physical Qualifications for Drivers".


Well, off to bed for me to spend a little quality time with my CPAP, and I now sleep very well knowing that my sleep is being monitored via a wireless modem that is directly attached to the machine. It's now just another part of my compliance just like my electronic log book.

EDIT: Also, by the way, my insurance took care of the testing and my carrier is taking care of the cost of the machine. The only way the machine will be anything out of pocket to me is if I leave before being employed for one year. I just see the machine as another part of my sign on bonus!

Sleep apnea testing is not a mandatory part of the dot physical period. I don't need to read anything closer. If you've already have history of apnea you may require further testing but otherwise you're not required to be tested for it to pass you're physical period. 391.41 (B) (5) makes no mention specifically of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea testing is not required by any law period. If a carrier or clinic says you need to be tested by law with out a history they're are wrong. I don't know how else to convince you sleep apnea testing is not a mandatory part of a dot physical. I guess after 30 years of seeing know it alls come and go like the wind and knowing truck drivers can be the biggest lying bu** sh***ers on the planet I shouldn't be surprised at yet another drivers story gone wild. I guess ignorance is bliss Good Day

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I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the benefits of the CPAP machine Highway. I have been using that machine for about 12 yrs now and I too have much more energy and don't even get migranes anymore. It was my wife who pushed me to go for the sleep study and I'm really glad I listened to her.

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I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the benefits of the CPAP machine Highway. I have been using that machine for about 12 yrs now and I too have much more energy and don't even get migranes anymore. It was my wife who pushed me to go for the sleep study and I'm really glad I listened to her.

Thanks, and after finding out that I did have sleep apnea, it made me wonder just how long I've been living with it. An ex fiancé of mine that rode in the truck with me actually wanted me to be tested long before now, things just came up that I never followed through with it. I still talk to her on occasion, and she was not surprised when I told her she was right in believing that I had it 2 years ago.

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I do not currently work as a driver, I have held a CDL since they came out. I had a heart attack 10 years ago, and have had to get a DOT physical every year since then, I cannot get a two year clearance. Since the heart attack I have gotten much healthier. I have a BMI of 30,however the BMI is a bunch of bullcrap as well. BMI goes by age, height, and weight. I am 6 foot tall and 245 lbs. I have a muscular build. A 54 inch chest and a 36 inch waist and by BMI I am considered obese, I also have a 21inch neck. I just went to get my physical Wednesday and was told I have to have a sleep study before they will clear me past a month. DR I went to is who our company uses. I am currently employed by a Volvo/Mack truck dealership and maintain the CDL so I can road test the trucks I am working on. I know how every system on a truck works and never drive a truck more than 50 miles, and every time I get a DOT physical it is something new........ Mechanics were supposed to be exempt from having to have a CDL when the CDL was first proposed, but the law makers decided that they would that they would loose to much money....I am thinking about giving my CDL up because of this..... B

Bottom line is if the doctors are being told this, and they are withholding a card then you have no choice. You want your medical card it has to be done. These rules are bullshit.... It used to be it the doctor believed you were healthy he could give you clearance. This DR I saw understood my argument and said that he has to conform to these numbers or he can loose his license.

So rules that are in the little green hand book mean nothing if the DR wont clear you.

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After driving since I was 16'(I'm approaching 65) I don't think only truck drivers should be subject to a DOT physical for a the privilege of driving. I think an intelligence test should be involved too. Recently here in AZ there have been two horrendous "accidents" involving wrong way driving. Both drivers were impaired and one was a 68 Y.O. grandmother with her grandson.

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After driving since I was 16'(I'm approaching 65) I don't think only truck drivers should be subject to a DOT physical for a the privilege of driving. I think an intelligence test should be involved too. Recently here in AZ there have been two horrendous "accidents" involving wrong way driving. Both drivers were impaired and one was a 68 Y.O. grandmother with her grandson.

There were actually 4 wrong way crashes here that week...several fatalities. Lots of bad drivers in this state...

Edited by Rob Hall
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Lots of bad drivers everywhere. I drive in so cal traffic monday thru friday, am rush hour to pm rush hour. It amazes me how some of the idiots on the road in 4 wheelers can even find their way out of bed, let alone to their car then grace the world with their stupidity on the highways. They to quit handing out class c and class a licenses like theyre toilet paper. I saw a swift driving academy truck TODAY, the instructor had the student driving, park in a posted red curbed fire lane, take their lunch break right there. Thats the kinda bullshit that needs to be changed. The steering wheel holders gettin trained today are being trained with bad habits, and poor judgment. I mean come on, park and take their break in a fire lane. When theres places to park a truck on this particular property. I understand being safe, i understand being healthier, but when the trainers are training poorly, its all gettin ridiculous.

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blah,blah,blah.4 wheelers this,swift drivers that,jb hunt again,too many rules,let us do what we want,dont need hos rules,pee in a bottle and litter filth because to unfit and tired to get out of the cab,blah,blah,blah.Didn't know this was a highway hero forum

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