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Camera Help


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Hi Guy,

If you have seen any of my posts, the closeup pictures that I have been taking are not very good. I would like to get a camera that takes good closeup pictures. I have seen a lot of very good pictures from you all on this site and am hoping you guys can give me some suggestions.

Thanks for the help.


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Actually, your close up pics aren't that bad at all from what I see. They're in focus and fairly well framed, and that's two-thirds of the battle right there. Having sufficient lighting is also important, but not always the easiest thing to provide.

What are you using now to take pictures? To be honest, most cell phones now have a camera with is more than adequate for posting images on the web, so if you have a cell phone, that might be all you need. I have an older Cannon Powershot digital camera which I don't even use anymore since my cell phone takes pics just as well, and I can upload the images directly from my phone to my Photobucket account.

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Hi Casey,

Thanks for the reply. I have been using a Fuji Finepix 1800S to take picture. It takes good pictures, but not the best closeups. I have a iphone 4S, but I will be getting a iphone 6 this month. I think I will see what type of pictures the Iphone 6 takes.

Can you or anyone suggest a program (easy to use) to re-size pictures.

Thanks, Bill

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Your iPhone 6 will work just fine, Bill. The resolution is great, and if you use a free Photobucket account to host your images-- www.photobucket.com -- it has photoediting software so editing your images is really easy. Plus, with a mobile upload address, you can choose which images to upload directly to your PB account.

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I have a Canon Power Shot A2500, which is also a 16 megapixel camera. I got it on eBay for $61 with free shipping last December. The one thing I like about this one is that it automatically picks the right lens. You just let the auto focus do it's thing, and you'll see the macro lens symbol appear. That's great for me since I have shot half a model show before I realized I forgot to set the macro lens!

The key to getting that perfect shot is to take many photos and just keep the good ones! Digital pictures are free so don't be stingy like we had to be with film. If you take 25 photos, you should get a handful of perfect ones.

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