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Tip: If You Buy an Opened Kit........

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......be sure to check it as soon as it arrives to ensure that all the parts are there. I opened a Fujimi Ferrari 330 P4 I'd had for a while and there was a missing part (front bottom portion of body). Looks like it'll be almost impossible with my skills to improvise a solution.

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I went into a HobbyTown USA and they usually have a mark down table of kits to the likes or cars/bikes/military

There was a Hasegawa Toyota Corolla Levin GT Apex for about $22 after the 50% was taken off. I figure I dont care much for that particular car, but for the wheels/tires and to use everything else as more of a parts kit, didnt seem that bad to me. The edges had been retaped so I figured I was good.

Drove the 40 minutes home, sit down and open it up...there is no body. There was actually no body for the car in the box. So somehow, someone bought the kit, returned it without the body (terrible idea to accept it, whoever the heck was working the counter that day), and then marked it down without any sort of a notification. I was irate. I called and told them about it and they said I could just return it. I told them I drove 40 minutes there and then 40 minutes back only to have it exchanged? After dealing with the manager, I told him Id give him a couple of bucks, just to have it as the parts it was, which he agreed and refunded me the rest as well as discounted another kit that wasnt on sale

All in all it worked out, frustrating none-the-less.

Moral of the story, read all description if purchasing online, and if purchasing an open kit in person, CHECK THE CONTENTS

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When we do discover a kit that's missing parts, especially one we bought used a while back or one we may have 'borrowed' a part from sometime in the past and forgot, we have the option of putting "Wanted" posts on forums such as this one. There are others and your wanted posts are better accepted on boards where you have a presence... hint, your first post on a forum shouldn't be one asking for something!

Many of us have extensive collections of parts kits and are happy to provide a part that will allow a project to get off the bench!

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