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Everything posted by Miatatom

  1. All of his bosses hires were such successes.
  2. I always clean the bottle and lid well and place a small piece of Press and Seal on the top before replacing the lid.
  3. I ordered from a place recently with a usual delivery time of about 5 days. Same order took 10 days this time. It's the Christmas season. The work load is exponentially higher. Delays are going to happen.
  4. My cousins (brothers) own a machine shop and use these to remove metal slivers/splinters from their hands. They each say that the other one needs them for other tasks.
  5. Where can I find MavTV?
  6. On a related note, is My Classic Car still on and producing episodes?
  7. I wouldn’t spray clear over a polished finish.
  8. Ours has been at all times during the day. At least it's getting here. It doesn't really matter what time to me.
  9. I've used Tamiya and Modelmaster clears over Createx and Wicked finishes. I don't know if they qualify as an acrylic.
  10. The deterioration of the USPS is by design. The goal is to privatize it eventually. Mr. Dejoy is the point man for this effort.
  11. I tell ya, that mechanic gets no respect.
  12. I watch some of these now and then. The vegetable oil swap was the best. Some folks just don't bother to think much.
  13. Sounds identical to my method, if I ever start building again.
  14. Why not just shoot the clear and polish it? I'd be concerned about putting any paint over a polished part for fear that it would not adhere properly.
  15. Yes, we all suffer loss. That's part of living. I'm so sorry for your loss. Peace.
  16. Go to Harbor Freight and get one of their small vices. Dark green, rubber covered Jaws, small, cheap (less than $15). I've got two and mounted them to 2x6s. They work great!
  17. 91% isopropyl alcohol
  18. Got a part number from Amazon?
  19. I love that Toyota. I'll have to get one of those.
  20. Beautifully done. You and Fabio have extraordinary skills.
  21. Yes, the racing white is more like ivory.
  22. Look for a bilge pump blower. I bought mine on Amazon.
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