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Everything posted by Miatatom

  1. I've found that if you order on Friday, it'll usually ship on Monday. Usually. Their prices are good so I just deal with the shipping.
  2. Welcome back, Snake!
  3. My favorite movie.
  4. Welcome back, Dan.
  5. Welcome aboard, Igor!
  6. They're available on Amazon. $17.90
  7. That's beautiful, Chang.
  8. Welcome aboard, Michal.
  9. Welcome aboard, Sean. Nice work.
  10. Where did you get the body?
  11. I love it.
  12. Welcome aboard, Michael.
  13. Nice job. I really like the color choices.
  14. I've Been in one of those for months now. My shaky hands are a big deterrent. Sometimes I feel like just selling everything.
  15. I don't believe some folks on this forum know who DeJoy is or who appointed him to his position as head of the USPS. Look it up. The entire organization is headed for the dumpster due to the changes he has implemented. He certainly doesn't have a socialist agenda. Quite the opposite.
  16. Same issues here in southeast Tennessee. As long as DeJoy is in charge of the USPS, you'll continue to see the USPS fall apart. It's all part of the plan to privatize it.
  17. Any time I do this step, regardless whether it's out of the can or airbrushed, I get orange peel.
  18. Welcome aboard, Jeff. I'll be 79 next Wednesday so I understand those fine moor skills slipping away. Haven't done much at the bench in several months.
  19. Ike put that poor lady through hell. RIP Tina.
  20. No gloves, no respirator, just "here, take this stuff and go clean the radar gear". I was performing this task aboard the USS Norfolk DL-1 while we were off the coast of Columbia. The Captain came on the 1MC and made the announcement that President Kennedy had been assassinated. Everyone that was alive and old enough to remember it knows exactly where they were and what they were doing. I was alone and walked out onto the signal bridge. Everyone was speechless. We immediately broke off from operations with the Columbian navy and went on alert status. An unforgettable moment on an unforgettable day.
  21. Welcome aboard, Ryan.
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