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    David Champagne

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  1. Anybody else having trouble with SLIXX website? The home page comes up like normal, but I get a error 503, service not available on anything I try to look at.
  2. Absolutely. Hold the gun still and spin the wheel. Not too heavy at first.
  3. I have airbrushed it several times. Very easy to use. No thinning required. No base coat required but you may wish to experiment on that. However, the smoother and cleaner the better. I have used it after a good sanding and it was fine. Just be sure your sand lines are gone and it is free of dust. The two most important things I have learned are: 1. When you say to yourself "Just one more coat or a little more" stop. Don't do it. You just need to practice. 2. It picks up fingerprints like crazy. I have let it sit for days on end and still left a fingerprint installing the part. Your need to come up with ways to install painted parts with minimal touching (tweezers, toothpicks, etc). Clear coat? Don't know. Never tried. It really is easy to use. But practice makes perfect as they say. Good luck
  4. Thanks to everyone for their help. Did not realize the ones I have are that old. Guess I was out of modeling longer than I thought.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. You mentioned 1/4 oz bottles. Do know where I can some of those?
  6. I have several bottles of "Colors by Boyd" paint. By Model Masters or Testers. Not sure which. I want to get more but can't find it anywhere. Can anybody tell me where I can get it from? That and maybe "House of Colors" in quantities for models.. Thanks in advance. Had to evacuate for "IDA" and looking for things to do.
  7. Looks pretty good Nick. Thanks for posting. Don't think I ever saw this one.
  8. By all means, please post it , here is fine. I am sure other front engine dragster fans would love to see it too.
  9. Jay, one more thing, or two. I use empty little bottles from testers brush paints to measure things. I fill one with polish or paint and another next to it with my thinner. That way I can see the levels of each. And like I said, be gentle with the decals.
  10. Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Jay.. fingernail polish is very easy to use. I mix it 50% polish to 50% Lacquer Thinner, or 1 to 1. I think I read someplace that it has to be Lacquer Thinner. Anyway, I have been using this mixture and it turns out fine. It seems to dry pretty fast but without a shiny finish (flat). I use "Model Masters ENAMEL Clear Top Coat #2936". I decant it into a coke bottle so I can use my airbrush. Yes...I am using an ENAMEL clear coat over a basically LACQUER paint. No problems so far. I apply decals before clear coating but I do a real real light sanding with 1000 grit sandpaper just get it a little slicker. The fingernail polish has a "Dusty" feel when it drys, sands off very easy. Doesn't seem to matter wet or dry sanding. Just not too much. You will see what I mean by feels dusty. Hell, it may just wipe off, so go easy. So, get over to Walmart, get a good supply of Lacquer Thinner, then swallow your pride and go pick out some fingernail polish. I don't even tell people it is for my wife anymore. For this model, I used "ESSIE #1640 Don't Be Spotted". I actually picked it up because I liked the color and it was a clearance sale. Can't find it at my store anymore but beauty supply stores carry it. I did make up a mixture of Testers Yellow and Orange brush enamels do use as a base coat. Just keep adding a little of this and a little of that until it is close to the polish, saves on polish. I don't remember if I used more yellow or orange so just play with small adjustments. I then thinned the mixture with MINERAL SPIRITS since it is Enamel paint and airbrushed it. If you go with a Lacquer paint use Lacquer Thinner. I always wait about 24 hrs before taking the next step. It doesn't seem to matter what brand of polish. Number of coats..well, until I am happy with it, but usually all in one sitting. I spray a light coat, then a little heavier, then a little heavier until I a satisfied. I don't wait X number of minutes between coats. In fact, I don't wait at all. I just go around and around until I am happy. Good luck. It really is easy to use and the colors choices can fill a galaxy. If I can be of anymore help just ask.
  11. I was in Walmart checking the fingernail polish when I saw this one..."ESSIE #1640 DON'T BE SPOTTED". I thought it was a neat color so I got a couple bottles. I used it on this one, not really thinking about matching the real colors. As I was putting on decals, I kept thinking it was close to all the pictures have. Real happy with it. The front did not fit well at all, so I glued it together and started body working it. Same with the drivers cowl. Be warned, the decals are fragile and split on me several times.
  12. Thanks RRR and everybody else. The Mustang body is for my SW&C Darkhorse 2. Speedcity Resins had them availible but no more. So, I am making my own long nose mustang. Have used 3 kits so far.
  13. Hello Mike, Yes I was. One year, my wife and I made every race. They raced on the first and third Sunday. Almost all the big names came. Tommy Ivo, Big John, SW&C, Don Gay. Once, we sat at a table in a diner next to "Big Daddy". Then, a track opened in Houma. Although it was closer and nicer, we preferred LaPlace. My wife's cousin raced a 64 Impala SS in G/stock. Great days gone by. Wish I had taken more pictures.
  14. JC and Tony, The car was around for 2 or 3 years. I don't remember ever seeing it in a magazine, only at our local dragstrip...LaPlace Dragway. I think it traveled around the south a bit. This was around the time "Candies and Hughes" teamed up and was making a name for themselves. Thanks for all the kind words everybody. I am working on my second most favorite funny car now, "SW&C Darkhorse 2" Mustang.
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