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About PatRedmond

  • Birthday 08/09/1963

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  • Full Name
    Patrick Redmond

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PatRedmond's Achievements

MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. https://public.fotki.com/predmond/model_cars/assorted_contests/daam-motor-city-madness/motor-city-madness-22/
  2. I'm not familiar with 'Mike Powell' from the original post. Who is he?
  3. I have a Paasche H with a #3 tip. How will that compare to his recommendation?
  4. Going by Bill Eh's recommendation, I placed an order today. Looking forward to trying Splash Paints.
  5. Windsor, Ontario. Born here, was in Toronto for 25 years where I was a proud member and eventually President of Group 25 Model Car Builders. Back in Windsor now .... belong to Downriver Model Car Club (Dearborn, Michigan), photographer for the club, various events including the DAAM (Detroit Area Auto Modelers) NNL Motor City and Motor City Madness events. Sometimes I build.
  6. Here's a 'What's In The Box' and my progress
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