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  1. thanks,again1 That's exactly what I (and I'm guessing others) are looking for in these early planning phases
  2. Thanks Chris! That's very helpful. How close do you think the maroon color on the roof and hood of this model would be to Toro Red? It's Tamiya Italian Red spray shot over Tamiya blue spray.
  3. Fantastic! I've already picked the color scheme for my first one.
  4. Ditto on the car album.I especially like the 1957 Ford station wagon Sweet!!!!!

  5. Here's the Model King re-issue of the Revell '50 Austin Gasser, just now hitting the shelves. It's got snappy new box art and decal sheet done by Sean Svendsen. I don't know much about Austins, but the model looks well proportioned to me and very realistic once assembled. The only problem in assembly I can remenber was getting the front end tilt hinges to work properly. I wound up just abandoning the hinges and displaying the model with the front end propped in the open or closed position, which works fine. The rest of he car, including the opening doors, assembles lke a charm. The box art models were built by Sean (the black model) and me (the green one shown here). Mine is done with a mix of Limetime pearl and Lime Gold pearl, both House of Color paints from Black Gold. It's clear-coated with over-thinned urethane clear.
  6. I want to thank you guys for the thorough and fascinating discussion/debate over the mocked up Chrysler. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all sides of the issue, and learned a lot about the model in the process. I hope all opinions from those in the know will continue to be expressed for future releases, even though they may get a little heated at times. Because of previous postings I've made, I admit I'm a little gun shy when it comes to jumping in on discussions like these, and I'm not very familiar with that car so I held back on any comments. Lastly, it sure seems like Dave Metzner is a receptive person, and the end product will benefit from the discussion here.
  7. Thanks gbki1! I just used a flat gray backdrop, but the model still picks up outdoor reflections from the top and sides. here's a shot of my setup:
  8. Thanks Zoom Zoom! Yes I just noticed the left front of the chassis has popped out. I dropped the model right before taking the side view and that must have done the job. It popped back in nicely for me just now though.
  9. Here's a quickie I just finished using the Revell SnapeTite kit, tamiya light gun metal spray, tamiya clear spray, Keith Marks decals, and Pegagsus iroks.
  10. I sure like it when models are painted in period-unique colors, and you sure nailed that one. Fantastic work, and great looking model!
  11. That roof looks fantastic! Gorgeous and unique model. Someday I may take a stab at something like that, No, strike that, it'll never happen.
  12. superb workmanship! The engine compartment and interior are splendid. I need to check my Hobby Lobby for this one.
  13. Hi Tom, Your model car photo album is very impressive, very, very enjoyable. Thanks. Mike

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