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Riley Customs

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    Keith Riley

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  1. Thank you all for the kind words. Wasn't sure how this idea would turn out but after reading your comments I'd say it works. I am trying to use up some extra parts I have laying around to re-purpose them other ways than they are intended for. Now onto the next project.
  2. been working on this most of the day between fabrication and painting.
  3. Make a few changes to the desk design. After reading misterNNL's post. I started to rethink things
  4. I got the right height and am working on the desk part but once I started trying to figure out how to in close everything it just won't work. So I may need to redesign it some. Wish me luck.
  5. Well I put the last cabinet to the side while I started working on this. This is an old body that I had laying around that I wasn't using. What to do with it, what to do with it......... So this is what I did with it so far. I have an idea....hopefully it works. Decided I am going to make an office desk out of it. I started making the desk part and am mocking up the height of it. Of course once I get everything in I will strip the body and repaint it to a more suitable office color.
  6. after primmer pics, not sure what color to paint it so it will stay this way until I get some other things done to it. Thinking of putting a lathe or a bench grinder on it top.
  7. I have been busy doing other things but now it is time to work on some of the other projects for my up coming garage diorama. Since I have either sold or given away most of my work benches I need to make some more. Started by drawing out the basic layout of the front. Went ahead and taped two pieces together and made one cut so the drawer fronts came out the same length. Then kinda got into it alittle to much and forgot to take pics as I was going but here it is put together.
  8. Pick this up the other day at my local Hobby Lobby with my weekly coupon. Growing up I had a 73 Charger and this is close . Not a big fan of the orange body color but hey......Decided to go outside of my comfort zone and try to scratch build a chassis to lower it, put wider tires inside and a cage in it. This is what I have so far. I had drawn it on graph paper earlier to see what size to make things. Already had to make it smaller width wise as I want the body to fit over it and not as tight as the floor pan that came with the kit. I am using the rear end out of another kit from a dragster so to fit the wheels inside the body. NOW if any one has ideas, tips, tricks or comments please help a brother out. I am hoping that once I get this one done I want to make some kind of a jig to speed up the process for my next build. All depends on how much trouble I have with the. " The only way to learn is to try " my dad !
  9. I was thinking of doing some kinda wash like you said for some depth.
  10. Ok back to work. Made some changes to the shop. Studded the walls of the workshop area. Added a window and a new Champion Spark plug cabinet. Waiting for it to dry I also built a ladder to reach the storage area above the work bench.
  11. I agree Dr. I am going with white interior, black dash with the Purple being where the wood grain would have gone in the original car, just to tie everything in.Seems if you paint everything black you do loose alot of the details.
  12. yes it is Sledsel. Got it at Hobby Lobby. Can't wait to clear coat it to see how it pops !
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