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1959 Chevrolet Impala

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Well, I have some time left before I head for bed, let me update you guys of the last past 2 days.

Because this car has had some minor/major modifications, dryfitting is been done often. It gives me the space I need for making changes and show me if I made the right aestatical decissions.

One thing I learned through this dryfit is that the way the interior goes into the car, can not be followed from directions. This is due to the modified enginebay and the sparkplug leads. This had consequences in lining up the interior right for glueing it to it's chassis, rather than being glued to the body as it should.



I put the sparkplugwires through the firewall in this picture, but didn't set it up properly


I made a teomplate for the headliner. It is a often-forgotten aspect of a modelcar, but I find it important enough to have it in each car, even though it has never been discoverd yet. haha.


A top view reveals the fuel-lines, v-belt and the sparkplug wires.


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And finally the solution for the wheels!!!!!!!!WHOOOHOOOO!.

I was sitting behind my computer, wandering through my thoughts and through my stash of modelcars (which I am a little proud of). At a sudden moment, I looked at my '49 Mercury kit from Revell. And then it struck me, didn't that kit had some Sombrero's? I remember from the last time I made that kit, I used the reversed steelies. So I had to have those Sombrero's somewhere. It took me a half an hour of digging, but found them in good condition on the chrome-tree. Next problem was to find 4 matching tires, which also took me a good half an hour.

The next day, since it was late night, I took them down and tried one of the hubcaps on the '59 tires. It was a perfect match and gives the right look to the project. Me likey!


In one of my earlier posts, I told you I didn't like some parts and would modify or scratch them. The springs were one, the shocks were also awful. I am sorry about this somewhat blurry picture, but I replaced the kit part with a simple shock setup. I got 2 matching pieces of tubing, put them together (did not glue them!, as it is hard to have them exactly the right size, this way, they can be slided into place) and add 2 brass rings to them. A nice, simple and cheap way to make shocks.


And fitted.


Yesterday I sprayed the parts that needed to be chromed with alclad black and alclad chrome. Unfortunately, the pictueres don't tell the whole story, they are nice and shiney, but look dull in the pictures.



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I think this might be my last update, the Impala nears completion and it will be just a few tiny little parts that has to be placed, before I can call it done.

It was a kit with mixed feelings, although; when I am honest, most of the downside was created by me, changing the kit. haha.

I finished the dashboard by spraying the dash in the contrast-color and the steeringwheel in the body-color.


The headliner was airbrushed and placed.


These next 2 pictures don't really show it, but by using clear-glue (Humbrol) I made small lenses for the dials.



The springs from the hood-hinge were removed and detailed with a somewhat course scratch spring


Edited by The Creative Explorer
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The metal rod bends easier and when I have the shape I want, I get some black insulated wire and replicate the metal rod.



Then I added very, very thin metal rods for the antenna's and I am done



And while I was busy with the rods, I also made me some Curb-Feelers, I thought it would give the car a very nice touch.


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Thanks Jim!

To be honest; I didn't know where to go with those feelers. I have never used them in a build before and I had to google quite a lot, I didn't even know they were used on late '50's cars other than lowriders.

I found a lot of different information;

-I've seen them on all 4 corners of the car

-I've seen them behind the front wheel

-I've seen them on both corners on the passenger side

So, while googleing, I found a picture of a '59 Chevy who had them on both sides of the car, in front of the front wheel, I thought to go with that.

I am really not sure whether it is correct or not, but the main thing in the end is; I think it is plausible and I like the look haha.

(p.s. I reread the message and it sounds a little bit that I am stubborn and cocky, but I am not. My english prevents to use the words better, I do appreciate the feedback!)

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Erik - we didn't have lowriders in the 50's. Yes, cars that were lowered, but not like today. Both corners, passenger side was normal (at least around Chicago). The curbs could be as high as 12" in some areas. I don't remember the year, but the world changed when somebody invented one way streets. That issue could force to park on either side of the street, in which case many people had curb feelers on both sides. Whatever. Your build looks fantastic!!

Edited by crazyjim
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Jim, are you sure about that? Low riders in Los Angeles started right around the Zoot Suit Riots, what was that 43 or so. Right at the end of the war. There are reports that the Low Riders started in and around Juarez as early as 1939.

Edited by Dr. Cranky
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Thanks guys!

@Jim & Cranky; I meant more like cars from the '40's and '50's that had been made into a lowrider by the 80's and 90's. But like I said; I didn't and don't have much knowledge about those things, so, please correct me if I am wrong :)

I do thank you for the info, I like to read about those things!

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