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Posts posted by ERIK88

  1. it might not seem like you need a lot of money to get started, but u buy one thing then another for that piece then you find out this other tool is helpful and it builds on from there. If you want to build somewhat decent models it gets quite costly. I came back from a 8 yr break and bought some tools I absolutely cannot go without which are a spraypainting booth, dehydrator, blow drier, hobby knives, glue, solva set, bare metal foil, aluminum tubing, glue, flocking, polishing compounds, different grit sandpaper, etc. Once you buy all the necessary tools it doesn't get that expensive, unless you are super detailing a model , that can get you into the hundreds of dollars spent on one model. But it is what you make of it, It, if you want the experience to be more smooth, it requires more toys or accessories. But in all honesty you can build a model with the minimal array of tools +supplies listed above. :rolleyes: there is no definite answer to your question :D

  2. broil lol yea :lol::lol: well that was very informative from many of you guys, much appreciated. Sorry for long wait for response, it was my daughter's birthday (turned 6yrs old) and it kept me quite busy.Believe it or not she seems quite interested in what I do, Im thinking about buying her a snap model kit lol. But yea its a humidity problem im experiencing, I hate Wisconsin now jk and ive never hated humidity so much until now!!!! lol dam humidity :angry::angry: I don't kno if a dehumidifier would help me with this issue.I wanna build!!! lol

  3. It is w white gel pen doesn't matter what brand. It has to be a white gel pen, gettin a circle template will make things easier to add a "whitewall" and you can go over that outline for more depthness

  4. Yes you guys are the best. So much knowledge wow specially from the older hobbyists, it's amazing how you guys did it before through the 80s 90s when the Internet was not around or as mainstream.

    Yes you guys are the best. So much knowledge wow specially from the older hobbyists, it's amazing how you guys did it before through the 80s 90s when the Internet was not around or as mainstream.

  5. This is my collection as of august 2012 till recent when I started building, I like to collect models I once wish I had when I was a teen, that I couldn't afford of a $5 allowance. I like the feeling I get of looking at my closet and seeing all these models, each and everyone of them. Some are rare to find now, I want to wait until im pretty good to build the monte carlo aerobacks and the amt 73 mustang.


  6. I stash kits because when there is an opportunity to same money on some kits I've been wanting specially if they are quite old I buy them, as I know I won't find them again that easily. I hardly get time to build, but I know one day ill get to them, and feels good knowing you have that certain model that's hard to find or that model you've always wanted to buy in the 90s which you couldn't afford because you were just a kid and had a allowance of $5 a week lol.

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