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Everything posted by Zoom

  1. Good to hear. YES, we are still interested!
  2. Wow, I think I made it! I glued the U-channel to window with the ”U” facing outwards and push it down in the frame. Earlier I have the window in the ”U”. As you can see, there is a tension in the window, but the 1mm Lexan seems to flex and “fix” that. Now I have to mask the window and paint the channel black and then glue it permanently. I´m satisfied! Thank you for interest and participation.
  3. Thank you Peteski! That was a nice idea, but the problem is that my Pocher kit don´t have the "roof". I have to deal with this problem one way or another.
  4. This is the way I want it. But there is a lot of tension, so I think it will pop away after I have glue it. Now the window is fitted inside the frame, maybe if I make new and bigger so I can glue them behind the posts, that should make it more rigid. But my first attempt is “nicer”.
  5. Thank you Cato, I can talk to Marvin, we have had some shopping together But I try little more first
  6. Skip, thank you for the comments. Yes, your right, this is the "Pocher" window. My attention is to have "hom emade" window from 1mm lexan. But I have to bend them a lot to get the right fit, and I don´t know if they will stay put in the frame. I can bend the outer post back and get a better fit, but then the front posts "foot" is tilting upwards.
  7. More problems!!!! How is it supposed that the window should fit against the window posts??? I mean that the window should meet the posts and lignin up equal against them (hard for me to describe). It is not lignin up at all. I don’t think I can bend the screen post to get the right fit without damaging the posts. Gentleman, I need some help or advice.
  8. Sorry to hear about your illness. I will hope you get better. /Bo
  9. Tired of the fitting the hood. Try to get the “front” windows a little thinner. Test a Plastruct “channel” in the window frames, glue it for test, and make a “template” in plasticard before I try to make one out of 1mm lexan”. Then I don’t know how to glue the “lexan” windows to the Plastruct “channel”? My idea is that the “channel” should be painted rubber black. I don´t want to mess it up with glues and paint. Any ideas???
  10. Slowly forward. It was not easy to get a nice fit of the hood. It took me looong time. Now I have paint the hood, before I put the hinges on permanently. I think I can manage to get decent fit in final mounting, when I can use the hood latches and adjusting the radiator.
  11. Thank you Scott and Cato! I will try mat clear acrylic spray and I will also try with some fine steel wool, to what happens. Yes, I will test it on a scrap bit. Cato, I use ordinary CA adhesive and so far it holds the string fine.
  12. Update A piece of plasticard and some balsa wood is what I have used. The “rotary cutter” was excellent to cut straight pieces of the leather. The waxed cotton string, for the seams, was bought in a scrap book store. I have a small leather string that I bought for this purpose, but it was uneven in diameter so I don´t use it. It is not a very fancy pattern, but I think it will be good enough J I think the leather is a little shiny. Any suggestion how to dull it down a bit?
  13. Slowly forward. I put the door hinges on permanently, for me it was the only way to fit door. Now I had to decide the door panels look. I think I go for something like the first photo from Skip. And maybe put a dark brown or black or chrome “thread” in the seams.
  14. Thank you Skip for yours suggestion, I appreciate that. Nice photos. Why I wonder, was that I would like to have as god fit as possible with the door before I paint them. And I think that was easier to get, if I have had the hinges fixed as they should be. The main body is dark red as you can see, so when I going to paint that white, I could not do any adjustment afterwards J
  15. I would like to install the hinges permanently before I paint the doors. When this is done it´s much easier to get the right fit. I hope it´s possible to mask the hinges and then paint. Any ideas/thoughts about this???
  16. Different car and very nice painting, I follow this.
  17. I follow your work, impressed, I have a lot to learn
  18. More test fitting When I test fit the hood on the right (exhaust) there where no alternative than to take of material on the back side of the hood because of the exhaust. This mean that the “top hood” has to be shorten a couple of mm. Hope this will work. (I´m a little scary) To be consequent, I will take of material in the back for the left hood as well.
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