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Model Cars Magazine Forum

Little Timmy

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Everything posted by Little Timmy

  1. Buster, One word out of place, and this game could get a parental control.
  2. Flour can be added to glossy paint to make it flat .
  3. Melody was the name of the girl I sat next to in high school .
  4. Try is not a word in Yoda's vocabulary.
  5. Gross of firecrackers is what I used on my Palmer Mustang.
  6. Me and my shadow, walking down the avenue .
  7. Again and again I try like crazy to build a perfect model, but to no avail.
  8. All I got was a Palmer Mustang .... at least I " think" it's a Mustang ...
  9. Forum membership apperently causes side effects like insanity .
  10. Popular mechanics is a great magazine. ( I apologize for my earlier post. I didn't mean to mess everybody up .)
  11. But, the letter says I can help Prince Notallthere get his 10 million dollars out of forfeiture. ( I apologize to everybody for messing up the game. Theirs a similar game on another forum that I confused with this one and posted all wrong. )
  12. 🏬 Department of motor vehicles is a great place to turn my frustration into rage.
  13. Robo cop was a ground breaking movie ,but now it's just chessy
  14. To build or to collect, that is the question .
  15. Sancocho ingredients are quite elusive.
  16. Existence of man " seem's" to be limited to just this messed up planet.
  17. Boat or car, I preferred to travel by Camelback.
  18. Come to my house and get free Booze !
  19. Great job weatherizing that 31 Chevy.
  20. Poetry found on bathroom walls is seldom inspiring, and usually profane.
  21. Motivator is a very important part of a Droid , as Luke Skywalker pointed out to his uncle Owen.
  22. NORML doesn't mean anything to me, and confuses me to the point of befuddlment . ( there ! Try to make that work .)
  23. Question authority , think for yourself .
  24. Chips are usually deep fried, Elvis loved everything deep fried.
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