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Everything posted by sflam123

  1. Outstanding work sir. I am running out of adjectives to use. A question if I may: Did/do you create your own decals for the oil filters and fire extinguishers or do use some from a sheet? If you use the latter, whose?
  2. THIS is gong to be fun to follow!! I love your work Mr. Teresi, and I'm sure this one will be no exception!
  3. Thanks for the heads-up 1320wayne. Somehow, it figures after I cobble'd this one up.
  4. Your patience and attention to detail is beyond my ability to comprehend! Sanding every tube on the chassis? UNREAL!!
  5. Thanks for the kind comments guys. Coming from this group it means a lot!
  6. Amen Hondo. IMO Goldstein was one of the pioneers of the modern day FC drivers. Ramcharger, FYI.....I sanded the styling "break" on the body side down considerably. If you look at the reference pictures of the car on the internet, it looks VERY stock, EXCEPT the sides are pretty smooth, i. e. no styling "break". Also, I had to massage the "tin" and chassis to get the body down to where it had that funny car "look". It still doesn't have the attitude I wanted, but it is better than where it was when I started.
  7. This model started as the Polar Lights "Big John" kit. I filled all the panel lines on the truck, hood and doors. After filling and sanding, I primered the body and then gave it a base coat of Testor's chrome. I then applied 3 coats of Boyd's True Blue, wet sanded it after it dried and applied two coats of Testor's Transparent Blue. Slixx decals finished off the body. I'm happy with the color as it compares well with the pictures I've been able to find on the Internet. The rest of the model is finished box stock with detail painting. Hope you like it and thanks for looking! Steve
  8. I was a HUGE fan of drag racing and the Ramchargers in the 60's and 70's. I have slowly been building examples of some of the cars campaigned by the Ramchargers group. This the 1970 Challenger driven by Leroy Goldstein and was the first Funny Car to OFFICIALLY make a pass under 7.00 seconds. The base kit is the AMT/Model King Challenger with a Parts by Parks pre-wired distributor added. Paint is Tamiya gloss white and the decals are a set I acquired some time back. Thank you for looking. Steve
  9. Thanks for the comments guys. Like I said, given the condition of the kit, I think it turned out okay. And Crazy Ed, you are correct....this was an IMC kit. I found it at an auction.
  10. Here is one you don't see too often, or at least I haven't. This is a model that has been on my "bucket" list. Unfortunately, when I got the kit, it wasn't in very good shape. The plastic was very brittle (I realize it is about 45 years old) and apparently the plastic had gotten VERY hot at some time, as many of the parts were warped and/or distorted. Despite it all, I believe it turned out okay. I'm calling it complete even though I still need to acquire some decals for it. If anyone has any decals they would like to sell or knows of a source where I can buy some, please contact me. Thanks!! Steve
  11. Guys, THANK YOU very much for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I've sent a note off to Terry at Flashpoint. Steve
  12. Mike, I like the idea, but these tires aren't even in one piece. The slicks are "dissolved" and the front tires are in multiple pieces.
  13. This question may have been posted before and if so, I apologize. I am looking for a source for 1/16 scale slicks and front tires for an old Revell Funny Car kit. I got an old kit from a friend and I'm trying to build it but the tires are shot. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you in advance! Steve
  14. Thanks for the comments guys! They are much appreciated!
  15. Here's a subject I've not seen on here often, if at all. This is the Revell kit, built box stock. Visiting this forum has encouraged me to try some new things, so I tried fading paint on the body, from a Testor's transparent blue on the very back to Testor's Candy Apple Red on the front. This is consistent with the pictures I found of this car in various resources. Both colors were shot over a Testor's silver base coat. I know this isn't on a par with some of the other models posted on here, but I thought it turned out okay. Thanks for looking guys. Steve
  16. Thanks for the comments guys!! I appreciate them.
  17. Here is my attempt to model one on m favorite sprint cars from the mid-late 80's. Although the Ofixco car and driver Ron Shuman were committed participants with the World of Outlaws, they were not shy about taking the wing off and competing in non-wing shows with USAC and high paying local shows. The model was built box stock from one of the early Monogram kits. The paint is Testor's Competition Orange and Gloss Black. The decals were some that I picked up at a swap meet and were created by someone from PA. Steve
  18. Mr. Sobak, Coming in to this a little late.... First, your work is amazing. Your attention to detail is incredible and the results stunning. Secondly, go with the nickel hardware. Mooneyz made the comment about the brass looking like zinc plated grade 8 bolts and he's correct. HOWEVER, zinc plating of grade 8 bolts is a relatively recent improvement and would not be period correct for a mid-70's Funny Car. I make this comment NOT to be critical but realizing that you have put significant time and effort in to this build to make it as accurate as possible.
  19. Thanks for the comments guys. Actually Intmd8r, Marks and Keppler were almost fanatical about keeping the car clean. It came in from hot laps, they cleaned it. It came in from a heat race, they cleaned it. We once stayed in the same motel as the team while attending the Knoxville Nationals. They took all the tin off the frame after a night of racing and cleaned it in the parking lot. And this was AFTER they had taken to a car wash!
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