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Everything posted by Modlbldr

  1. Harry- That is the GT350 rear window. I can't stand it. However, when I installed the stock window, I fat fingered it with some glue. I had to use the racing window as a last resort. I guess it was a plexiglass window in the racing versions that allowed for ventilation or something. Later-
  2. I swapped in the 428 from the AMT 71 Mustang. This was a pretty easy swap only requiring a longer drive shaft and slight extention mods to the exhaust pipes. I added aftermarket velocity stacks. I still need to add the radiator hose. The rear plate was made by cutting a piece of aluminum from a pop can and adding the decal and then a PE frame. I hope you enjoy it and any comments or criticizms welcomed.
  3. Well, I finally finished one to post here. It is a mix of the Revell GT350R and the 2+2 Fastback. Paint is a Duplicolor automotive spray that closely resembles Pontiac engine blue. More photos coming. Later-
  4. Again, the important question. When, and how much?????? OK. I got my answer in Going Postal 2. I'll have to save up for that, but it is definitely a "want one". Later-
  5. Tommy- Gotta add my 2 cents. I agree. Nice build. I've got to start branching out more into foreign cars. I like the photos of all your builds. Very clean. Later-
  6. LC- I agree with VW Dave. He's got the right idea for shipping the model. If that doesn't protect it then the only thing that would have worked would have been for you to hand deliver it. Err on the side of caution and you won't be sorry later. Again, your build turned out beautiful. Later-
  7. I'm still liking the work you've done on this one. If it is any consolation to you, I started my Stude that I posted the pictures of earlier around 1998 and it still sits in the same condition. I really want to finish it too, but I've hit some snags in it and I've put it aside twice now. Some day I'll get it done. Later-
  8. I just came across this build while looking for info and ideas for a quick build I am doing of this kit. Mine is no where as detailed as this build. Are ther any updates to this build? Three months- either this got sidetracked or should be looking pretty good by now. Anything?? Later-
  9. Nice work, so far. I agree, however, on your first choice of tires and wheels. They give it a better look. I just finished a 65 Fastback Mustang and I enjoyed it. I transplanted a fuel injected 428 in mine. Here are a couple of the "in progress" photos. Can't wait to see the rest of yours. Later-
  10. Oh! I meant to ask.. What color of red is the interior and did you clear coat it with anything. It has that "just right" look that I want to use on a future build. Later-
  11. I have to say that I, too, am glad you fought back and won. That turned out beautiful. And you were very brave to paint it black. NICE and SMOOTH!!! Later-
  12. I like your build. You're right. It does give a perfect spot to display your GTX. I like the mix of the custom parts on the pickup. I think it turned out well. I would also agree that next time you should use smaller plug wires. Makes me wonder how you got all of them on that little distributor. Still, it is a great build and one to be proud of. Later-
  13. She'd drive it if it were 1:1?? Heck, I'd drive it just to roast the tires and blow my ear drums! BTW- Where did you get that stereo equipment anyway? I'd like to find some speakers like that, and maybe some a little shorter. Any leads?? Great build and I like the custom work you did. Later-
  14. What a beautiful job. What kind of experiment? Did you use a drill with one of those polishing balls? Whatever it was, it looks like it worked. Again, nice job. Later-
  15. Nice job. Looks like your repair job went well. I, for one, like the looks of your front end treatment. I never was a fan of the stock Stude headlights. Here Is a photo of what I did to mine. They are Porsche headlight buckets from a Fujimi kit. Keep up the good work and let us see it finished. Later-
  16. LC- Man, that looks killer! It looks just like the photos you have. I'm sure that your uncle will love it. Glad to see that those Fenton 5 slot mags that I turned you on to at PSF Hobbies worked out. They look great. I remember your post asking where you could get some. It's one of the few times that I have been able to steer someone toward what they were looking for. I feel that I was able to help make this build a reality. Excuse me while I brush away a tear.... Later-
  17. Russell- Nice build of a great old kit. I used the one I had for parts for a drag T. The engine, tires and wheels and modified suspension were sacrificed. They were such great parts that I had to buy a second to build. I wish that they would bring this one out again. Looks good. Thanks for sharing. Later-
  18. Nick- That turned out great! Nice work on it. Where did youget the grille? It doesn't look like one I've seen in any kits. I could be wrong though. Later-
  19. Wow. I really like the work you are doing on this one. My two cents is for the body line in the doors(helps break up the flat expansive sides) but not the ones that were in the front fenders. Keep at it and let us see those progress shots. Later-
  20. Harry- I agree that it does have a lot of similarities to a 37 Ford to say that it may not have been an ORIGINAL design idea on his part. However, I do believe that he is a very fine designer with some very creative designs. Haven't you seen the one called Hemisfear? What a beautiful creation it is. Just my two cents. BTW- Curt, It is a good thing that you listened to "She who must be obeyed". Look what you've got to show for it. And, yes, it looks great in that color. Later-
  21. AND, as a plus, it's lemony fresh! Thanks guys. I knew there was a reason I posted this question on here. I'll start with the water and alcohol(water for the model, alcohol for me ). If I need to go further I'll try the finishing compound on a Q-tip. Then, maybe just to see how shiny and fresh I can get it I'll try the Pledge. Thanks again. Later-
  22. OK guys. Thanks for the replies. I think, though, that I may have not been quite clear enough. The fingerprint smudges are not in the paint. They are just the little oil smudges you get from handling the dried body when applying BMF and such. I painted the model using automotive spray paint from NAPA, then clear coated it with Tamiya clear. After it was dry(6 mo), I BMF'ed it and then I brushed gloss coat lacquer over the BMF(it was old and didn't want to stick well). Then I superlued the parts such as taillights, rear bumper and gas cap. Now I want to clean up the smudges and any fogging. Are your tips still the way to go, or can I just clean the smudges with soap and water and do something else for the fogging? Again, thanks for any help. BTW- this isn't going to be a contest winner by any means, but I just want the best possible display model I can get. Thanks. Later-
  23. Nice body lines. It blends well together. In regards to your paint job Krylon sells a paint called Fusion "Mystic Prism Effect" that does just about the same thing. You spray on a base coat-usually Gloss Black, then spray the Fusion over it. I used it on the Supercoupe below and it looks great in the sun light. Later-
  24. I just finished a 65 Mustang and it has some fingerprint smudges and light fogging of the paint on the rear panel from super gluing the rear bumper on. I have some Tamiya Finish Compound and was wondering if I can use this to clean up the body. How do I go about using it? If it can't be used for this, how can I clean the body in the best way? Possibly all of the marks can't be fixed , but I'd like to do the best I can. Any help would be appreciated. Later-
  25. Wow, Fletch. Those are looking great. I liked #1 and thought that it couldn't get better. WRONG! I like the subtleness of the black SD. The red pinstripe really adds to the look. I like the work you have done on #3 too. Nice top chop and Z'ing of the frame. Can't wait to see it finished. So, did you buy like a case of these 32's? Cause I didn't manage to get a one. Keep us posted and let us know how they do in the Billetproof contest. Later-
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