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Everything posted by Modlbldr

  1. Walther- Looking good so far for your first. I like a lot about that kit. I have two and I try to get one when I find them. I am putting the engine from one into a 55 Ford Pickup that I am customizing. I am also using the seats, instrument panel and steering wheel. Keep the photos coming and we'll try to be gentle. LOL. Later-
  2. Nice Merc. I like the grille work. What Lindberg Kaiser kit are the wheels from? Is this a typo? I didn't know there was a Kaiser kit out there. If so, I need info on it. Please PM me if such a kit exists. Thanks. Later-
  3. Nice wok and paint job. I like the detail of the spare tire in the trunk. Thanks for sharing. Later-
  4. Dave- What a very well done, clean build. I like the top chop and the engine swap. At first I didn't like the choice of wheels, But after I looked at it again I like them because they aren't seen on builds everyday. They go well with the rest of the truck. Thanks for sharing. Later-
  5. James- Your work on that kit is superb! I love the details on the tires. It turned out great for having a few minor flaws. Too bad you had to glue the hood shut. I looked at that kit many times on the store shelves and thought about getting it, but never did. Later-
  6. That is an interesting looking kit. I always wondered what the inside looked like. You've done a great job on it. I've only known of one other person to build one. I think it was Pat Covert, but I could be wrong. Looks good. Later-
  7. That is beautiful. The work is simply flawless and it DOES look real. Nice work, Moose. Later-
  8. Brad- I sent you a PM on a couple of sets of tires and wheels that I have. Later-
  9. Well, Here's my story. In two days I'll be 41 and I've STILL never been picked. My wife has had to appear twice and has gotten out of it both times. She was/ is self employed both times. My Grandfather was the best story though. When he appeared for his one and only time, the Defense Attorney asked him a question and my Grandfather said "Well, I don't care what he did, HANG him." The DA said "Sir, I don't believe we need your services." I can't understand why it was his only time appearing for court??? Later-
  10. Bernard- I like your choice of interior upgrades. The door panels are such an easy replacement that really spices up the interior. I'd stick with the Cherry/Cream paint scheme if it were mine. Keep the photos coming. Later-
  11. That Falcon looks good and sure has a nice stance. What a nice color combo also. Keep it up. Later-
  12. Remember too that instead of ordering photoetched aluminum things such as wire looms, you can use soda pop can aluminum. It cuts pretty easy with an old X-Acto knife blade and drills easy too. Get a set of small drill bits (I think they generally come in size 61-80)from somewhere like Micro-Mark. Cut a small T shape out of the aluminum, drill the holes in the top, or horizontal, part of the T. Bend the T, using the vertical part as the tab to glue to the motor. Later-
  13. Jason- That is a fine looking job you are doing. You've got a lot of work into this one and it shows. Just the right look. I've been working on and off on this kit myself but in a totally different direction. It is a nice kit to work with, in my opinion. Keep the photos coming. Later-
  14. From Kevin's comments it sounds to me like he was trading for dependability, which is always a good choice. I'd take dependability over a decent car that sat dead in my driveway. Besides, the Monte is a nice looking ride when done right and can be souped up to whatever you want. I think we all know that he made the wise choice. Now let us see those photos. Later-
  15. Disgusting and Wrong on SOOOOOO Many Levels!! Excuse me while I go POKE out my eyes. "Honey?, Where's the Ice Pick?" Later-
  16. Nice builds, Crispy. I like that Hurst Firebird. Where did you find the info on it? That Maserati is kind of a rare kit. How was it to build? Later-
  17. What a very clean build. I like the seat pattern decal and the beading around the rear fenders. Nice touches. Later-
  18. Beautiful work, everyone. What a year that was. Congratulations. Later-
  19. This is looking great, Jairus. I know you're not done with detailing the interior but don't forget the sand on the floorboards. Later-
  20. I agree. What a very realistic engine bay. The level of detail is top notch. Good job. Later-
  21. That is a nice build and a very creative way to use a kit that is missing parts. Nicely done. Later-
  22. Terry- That's going to be nice. What a subject to do a build of. I can't wait to see it finished. Is the 1:1 in private hands or what? Later-
  23. Brandon- Looks good. What is the story behind the 412 on the roof? What modifications did you make? Was it a difficult or easy build? We need a little more info on this seldom seen built kit. Keep it up and let us see more builds. Later-
  24. Driver- That is a beautiful job. I like the idea of the wood. What is the lighter color used on the plastic "wood"? I'll be watching this one. Later-
  25. I like this one. It is a nice combination of parts and a great way to use them up. Nice weathering too. Keep it up. I want to see this one when it is finished. Later-
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