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Posts posted by sjordan2

  1. 13 hours ago, Chuck Kourouklis said:

    You may have hit on the only way to make a more conventional build of this kit, Matt.  Because it follows that uniquely Heller practice of integrating the DLO side windows with the inside door panels in one clear part that you glue from inside the body shell, you wouldn't have to spread the rocker panels to get the body over the interior.  As you describe it, the body should just drop right on once you've done the surgery.

    Only things I can imagine complicating the process are the rear splash aprons for the front wheels, molded to the forward sections of what you want to cut loose. Still, I think that'd beat trying to paint a filled body fuselage-style, around a complete interior and drive train as the aircraft guys always have to do.

    The best part of this kit that I can see is that they solved the rocker panel seam problem found on almost all other E-Type kits.

  2. While Elon Musk referenced "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by placing a "Don't Panic" sign on the dash, I bet he also had Heavy Metal in mind when he launched a Tesla sports car on SpaceX. (Sorry about the size, but I couldn't control that).

    Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 11.36.43 AM.png

  3. 16 hours ago, Phildaupho said:

    It looks like a mid-1930's Mercedes to me. I found this photo of a Jo-Han kit that looks similar


    That's the source of Gumball's kit. Probably the best kit Jo-Han made, along with their Special Roadster Limousine version. His is the reissue molded in red, which has more flash than the original shown here. The car it's based on is today languishing and rusting in the depths of an exotic car junkyard in East L.A.  The original 1:1 was a gift from MB to star race driver Carracciola. Contact me if you need reference.


    500K Caracciola.png

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