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  1. Scalper

    Jag XJR-9LM

    This is a build I started ages ago. Compkted it today. Decals where shot so I did my own thing. Paint is tamiya rattle can
  2. One of more recent build. I found this kit on eBay for a great price (both rear door panels are missing) but I couldn’t refuse. Its pained model master emeral green metallic spray can with a testors high gloss enamel clear coat spray can. The interior is just flat black and wheels bare metal aluminum spray from Tamiya. Opinions??
  3. So I’m new here, but this is what I currently working on. It’s almost finished but what is everyone’s honest opinions?? Its painted Tamiya light gunmetal spray paint with a testors high gloss enamel clear spray can. I used splash paints polishing compounds on the clear. The interior is painted Tamiya red brown and aluminum. Wheels are gloss black and chrome pen.
  4. Hello friends This time I show you an infantry vehicle of the US Army, it's M2 Bradley. Manufactured from the Tamiya brand at 1/35 scale with an exterior finish of camouflage and detailed on the inside with hinged rear door. https://youtu.be/p6uWBMPZQSE Greetings and I hope you like it
  5. So, as you all are probably used to by now from my side. I tend to work on multiple models at once. The reason is simple, i get bored quick. but besides that its also a matter of area to spray bodies, so i do multiple at once when i have the chance to do so, and while i cant i work on the rest untill i cant go any further. The body of the XJ220 i already sprayed before xmas (together with the MK2 and GT3 porsche) so it has had plenty of time to get hard, and now ive started to work on the rest of the kit: It all starts with an engine right? Quick test of the interior, the seat inserts that are still gray on the pics, will be made black before going in for definate: And last but not least (for this moment), a test with the painted body on top:
  6. Hi All, I really got back into making models this year, after doing a few last year. I am really pleased with my progress, it always feels good to see how you progress over a year. This year also marked my first competition. I Got a 3rd place for my Carrera GT in the full detail section, and a commendation for my WRX STI Rally car in the curb side section. Below are some of my builds Competed in 2017. There were also a few others that i did this year, but didn't quite turn out as i had hoped. Thanks
  7. Hello friends, here I bring you another German vehicle. The Panzer Kampfwagen IV Ausf.D made from the Tamiya house at 1/35 scale. The kit has included 3 figures which have been made included in the model. https://youtu.be/ab0IKGWWHsQ Greetings and I hope you like it.
  8. IJ001

    911 GT1

    Tamiya kit straight from the box. Fell together with very little input from me, Decals were a revelation, was expecting all sorts of problems and some considerable swearing but they went-on without a hitch. Please feel free to make any criticism, comment or ask any questions. Ian.
  9. Hello, I just signed up to this forum recently and this is my first thread here and I'm happy to have found this place as it seems to be the last car modelling forum with a healthy amount of active users. I look forward to learning some tips and tricks from you guys and hopefully contributing something back. I've been working on this Supra for the past 2 weeks. I spotted this article, during the past Christmas Holidays, written about the car I fell in love with when I was around 12 years old. Aoshima has released multiple 'Top Secret' cars, but for some reason they have never done the original Top Secret Supra. I got the itch and had to jump back into the hobby and scour the internet for reference pictures. I think this is something you guys can relate with. The need to build a model of your favorite cars from your childhood. Here's 2 images of the real car: Start of the Journey (Supra body from the Tamiya kit) shaping the nose. Added 2 pillars cut, shaped, and filled with milliput A lot of styrene and milliput later, we have the basic shape. Since milliput takes forever to dry, I work on the hood. Hood ready for the vents. Or not, oops....... It's ok we can fix it with superglue and milliput After letting the hood dry, and a lot of filing and sanding to the body. (Clearly a lot more work ahead.) With that face in mind, I thought it's time to work on that lamp housing. I thought this method would work and it actually seemed fine, the only problem was the area was so small I couldn't sand it lol. Making body kits isn't really my thing, so this just a big giant learning process for me. Well, when you fail, try something else right? My second attempt involves the use of a stuffed condom. Yea buddy. Stuffed with milliput, get your head outta the gutter. Here's a pic checking fitment. Filed down. Drilled out, so I can make cuts and shape the inside. Got the basic shape, but needs a lot more work. Pretty annoying since it's so small. Throw on some primer, check for flaws. And yea, flaws everywhere. Here some pics of problem areas that needed / still need fixing Off center nose Shaping surfacing issues More shaping and surfacing issues Oh yea I forgot to show how I completed the front fenders: More sanding, filing, and primer this is the state the body is in now. Just minor surface issues now and I need to draw two panel lines. After fixing those I'll be on to making the side skirts. I'd be surprised if you read this far. Sorry if there's a lot of pictures but I kind of wanted to show as much of the steps as I could. Thanks for reading
  10. Hello friends, on this occasion and for a long time with enough desire I present you the T34 / 76, a medium tank of Soviet manufacture. Made of the Tamiya brand at 1/35 scale. It's the only Russian vehicle I have and I hope it's the first of many. https://youtu.be/FjFHh2L_3rI Greetings and I hope you like it
  11. Hi all, Here is my first ever attempt at a motor bike kit. The kit in question is tamiya's Ducati 1199 Tricolore in 1:12 scale. This is my favourite motorbike, I really like the design of it and how everything is packaged so neatly in the body. The kit was very easy to work with, very little modifications had to be made. In addition to the kit, i got the detail up set from tamiya which adds metal suspension forks, rear suspension oil resivoir and disc brake rivets. for the little bit extra cost, I highly recommend getting this, as the added detail is unreal. Anyway, enjoy the photos below. Thanks
  12. Hello friends Here I bring you one of the best unions between sportsman and machine. The machine or rather the motorcycle is a Honda and the athlete definitely had to be Valentino Rossi. He dominated the 2002 season and achieved the 2002 and 2003 championship over the RC211V. This model manufactured from the Tamiya brand in 1/12 scale, one of my first models made. https://youtu.be/fJmtochZHr0 Greetings and I hope you like it
  13. Hi All, This is my first post, but i have been making 1:24 car models for the last 10 years or so. I Finished the 1:24 Tamiya Ferrari FXXK a couple days ago, after spending around 6 weeks on it. In addition to the kit, i used the tamiya carbon decal detail set, and the photo etch detail set to complete the build I also experemented with hoses and cables in the engine bay. As always, Tamiya kits are always a pleasure to work with, with very little modification needed to get a great result. I am really pleased with the outcome. Any feedback welcomed Thanks
  14. IJ001

    Supra GT

    Second of my quick'n fun holiday builds. Take one (cheap) Tamiya 'Tom's Supra' kit; build it straight from the box; swap out the kit decals for the ones' that come with their 911 GT2 kit and, Ta daaaa.... Not everyones cup-of-tea, I know, but I had a shed-load of fun doing it over the last ten days or so, and isn't that really the point of the hobby ?. Feel free to ask any questions or post any outrage, it's all fine with me. Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment. AFN Ian.
  15. Hi All, I recently joined this forum to get ideas and inspiration for future builds. Generally i do 1:24 tamiya kits, as i find theyre standard details to be the best, but am also liking the variety of kits that Aoshima and fujimi are putting out. Thanks Nathan
  16. Hello friends The Tiger I was the first tank to be equipped with an 88mm cannon which proved to be formidable on all battle fronts. I had to have it in my collection, from the Tamiya brand at 1/35 scale. https://youtu.be/dkT7Twk7v7s Greetings and I hope you like it
  17. So the second holiday project has hit the bench: Tamiya's 'Toms' Supra GT, definitely not going to be finished in the kit-supplied Castrol colours: Tamiya's TS-8 'Italian Red' with AK Xtreme Metals' Polished Aluminium' and some hand painted matt black (first coat only in these photos). The insides are all AK Xtreme Metals' 'Dark Aluminium' but obviously only just started, the cage is glued together but not to the chassis in these pics. Bodyshell is TS-94 'Metallic Grey'. Two light coats and nowhere near shiny enough, so I'll brush on a coat of Klear/Future before decalling, then another afterward. Going to keep the final 'look' a surprise as long as I can, but hopefully y'all will get a kick from it. Not too many 'What If' cars around so nice to do something that little bit outta 'left field', eh ? More soon. Ian.
  18. Just finished the Ferrari LaFerrari model kit made by Tamiya. I have pictures of the engine and assembly in the On The Workbench section at the link below.
  19. So i got this one in the mail today, and started immediately with it as it needs to be finished this Xmas to be a gift for my mother. Sprues: test fit the hood on it immediately, getting it ready to be painted. I'm thinking of getting it painted bordeaux red, as its an original color for this car, and mom love's red cars as im out of the country to get another car next week, nice period of time to let the body dry and get hard I'll keep this updated along the way with plenty (probably alot knowing me) of pictures for you all to see (and judge )
  20. IJ001

    GT-R Z-Tune

    All done: Couple of photos of the completed chassis before I popped the wheels on - first time using a model-specific 'detail-up' set and it makes a H*LL of a difference. Very, very impressed. * * * Completed build as it was about an hour ago but forgot to touch-up the black trim around the windows before I got the camera out !! - all done now Already started the next build, you can find it in the WiP section a little later this evening, my time. AFN Ian.
  21. So i just finished this model earlier this week: WIP can be seen here:
  22. My intention is not to spam all you guys with tons and tons of builds, its just i got alot of time at the moment, and therefore spend alot of time building (beats sitting behind the TV or anything like that in my opinion, and its more productive too ). However i do like to document my builds, for myself, but also for other people to enjoy and pickup some idea's for their own builds (hopefully). This Porsche GT3 im building for my dad as a Xmas gift, my mom is getting the Jag MK2, and my dad a Porsche as hes a Porsche guy . Like the title says its a 996 generation of the 911, this was the very first 911 series they build with a watercooled engine, and is still considered as the "purest" GT3 that porsche has build to date without any electronic "angels" as i call them. Making it a real "man's car". The car is curbside kit, which is a shame for a Tamiya kit, all other ones i have so far were with a full detail (the SARD Supra being an exception to this but had a cool interior to do). So no engine to build for this except what you can see from under the car just like in real life. Here goes: For the real GT3's the whole undercarriage is painted in the body color says the instructions, i thought this aswell, but luckily an old class mate of mine actually has one of these (and every other gen of GT3 (rs)'s the lucky sod!) and asked him to take some pic's of the undercarriage to see if this is correct (it is) and some other details for my build. Engine area done: Front drivetrain in, made a little mistake with putting it in, as i glued the topmounts into the chassis, thus preventing the wheels to turn in either direction (still need to fix that): Protective guards on: side view of the undercarriage with the brakes in (yes the callipers seem different colors, only difference is on the back (right in the pic) its done straight onto the black plastic, on the front (left in pic) ive layed down a white layer first: 1st wetcoat on (pic taken directly after the coat went on): 2nd (and final) wetcoat on (pic taken after 30 min of dry time approx.) Velvet carpet laid down in the back (need to make the "center" piece fit a little better, any idea's?) , with the metal GT3 badge, sadly not really able to see it on there but ow well: Gave the seats some color, as i hate full black interiors, sadly due to the 1st layer being yellow, and the tape being yellow, i missed a small part on both seats: Made some "custom" carpets for the front from the velvet sheet leftovers, turned out pretty good if you ask me: Thats it for now, more to follow soon!
  23. Hello friends I set out to show you one of the most beautiful motorcycles in history. Logically it had to be Italian, it's the Ducati 916. Its aesthetics marked with a multi-tubular chassis, a mono arm swingarm and double exhaust outlet under the tail was a novelty in its release to the market. The model is Tamiya brand 1/12 scale, is detailed inside because its fairing is removable. https://youtu.be/2HoNIGQRWxM Greetings and I hope you like it
  24. IJ001

    911 GT1

    Saw this on eBay a couple of weeks ago. A business seller back in the UK who I know personally was offering it at a ridiculously cheap price because the box was worn. Even with the postage out here to Middle Earth it was a steal, so after decision making process that could be measured in nano-seconds, I snapped his hand off. It arrived on Tuesday and I started it on Wednesday afternoon. Two sessions in and I'm well into the engine, transmission and mounting sub-assembly. Lots of pre-painting with AK 'Xtreme Metals' (outstanding enamel lacquers, highly recommended) - absolutely loving this already, incredible engineering by Tamiya. Stay tuned folks this is simply flying together at the moment. Ian
  25. I'm starting to use mixes of Tamiya acrylic paint for airbrushing. What went wrong here? The surface: styrene spoon wetsanded with 400 then sprayed with white Tamiya Fine Surface Primer (L). The mix: Tamiya water clean-up acrylic in bottles 1 part X-13 (medium-dark metallic blue) 3 parts X-11 (chrome silver) 1 part X-22 (clear gloss) X-20A thinner (eyeball ratio to dilute for airbrushing) The spray: Iwata Eclipse at 20 psi For comparison, there is a spoon test of gloss black at the left of the photo shot under the same conditions. It's Model Master 1747 diluted with Testors Airbrush Thinner. The Tamiya makes a nice satin finish but I want it to be 1961-era glossy on an engine and frame. I could clear coat it but I'd rather figure out how to make the mix glossy.
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