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Found 10 results

  1. I missed out getting one of the Performante kits when it was released, now they are gold plated. Yea I could save $28.64 for the lower one, but come on man! ?
  2. I know there are topics about eBay, regarding how to bid on something. But I found the asking prices for the Porsche 904 to be absurd, what makes people think a plastic kit is gold-plated?
  3. today I found some resin parts for the Revell Bronco on ebay on "Olson Brother's resin parts"! here's their email: info@resincastmodelparts.com http://www.resincastmodelparts.com/pics/logosm.jpg
  4. What is the most ridiculous model car related thing that you've ever seen auctioned or sold? I just ran across the first most ridiculous thing I've ever seen at auction: Using the box art from a rare kit in order to sell ONE TIRE. Let me repeat that: This is ONE TIRE at auction. One tire. You've gotta be kiddin'! http://www.ebay.com/itm/MPC-76-Road-Runner-Parts-Model-Kit-1-7625-Tire/201696697828?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D38530%26meid%3Df2eab3b594944743a6681a7bc96577d2%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D391660836975 What thing or things have you seen for sale or at auction that made you say WTF?
  5. Last night as I was perusing eBay I got to wondering how many others here scavenge eBay for extra parts and bits for model projects too. What kind of model parts, bits and bobs do you usually look for on eBay? What kind of pricing to you shoot for? (Yeah we all know there is that one crazy guy who thinks his parts are made of unobtanium, we are Not Discussing Him, at all!) Then there are the "Breakers" you know the ones who buy any kit they can get their hands on, old or new and part them out. Do you buy from them? I know some are bothered by them, does it bother you enough to not buy the part you need for a project or kit missing that piece? While we're discussing Breakers, has anyone pieced a kit out that way, did you make enough to cover your time and the price of the kit? I'm really wondering if most of those sellers actually sell off the whole kit or in the end are stuck with the junk no one wants, plus do they really end up making a dime or two?
  6. My eyes have been opened wide just recently use to just be a fred meyer and small hobby shop buyer Finally finding cars that I've wanted to purchase in model form I've seen these cars anywhere from $10-15 catch is they are on ebay or amazon I keep hearing/ reading horror stories of only box art showing at the doorstep Really don't want just a box Can any one help point me towards a reliable seller? I'm trying to build a collection because I want to eventually cast cars for only myself and/or a few friends for when I'm bored and feeling creative
  7. Seems to me this is just a "band wagon" thing. There can't be that many people that hate this boon to finding anything you can think of. Where else can you find pictures, price guidelines, information, availability,and the product its self? It;s your choice to buy or not. No one is forcing you to pay the shipping or even look at these gems from the past.
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Revell-Model-Kit-Hot-Wheels-Camaro-SCCA-Race-Car-Jack-Baldwin-Avon-Exclusive-/350921871507?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item51b492d093 Thoughts?
  9. Rich Manson's post on his finally joining eBay got me thinking this would make a cool thread... My very first purchase was back in 1997. I bought the book "Cars Of The Stars" by George Barris. I had it as a kid, it was one of those Scholastic Book Club books you could buy through school. I bought every book that was automotive related back then! So I got a replacement book from an eBay seller and I was hooked for life on eBay!
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