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As I strip the layers of paint off

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Right now I am restoring some models I built over 30 years ago and as the paint comes off I am wondering on some why did I repaint it so many times since the first time looked nice,now on the MPC 70s Chevy truck I am wondering what was I thinking since I have seen the original paint. Red chassis and orange body and a black interior so it must have been what I had on hand and no money to buy paint.

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  • 3 years later...

I can remember all the horrid colors I painted models in my younger days. Yes, it was because I had no money for paint and had to use whatever was in the garage at the time.

I distinctly remember painting my dads "old" Pontiac promos a medium blue with a brown roof, another one was a Testors Metallic Purple on a Revell Lancia Stratos race car that a friend gave me. I even painted a Huey helecopter in the same metallic purple - because that's what I had.

I also remember painting EVERYTHING black with gold trim, because that was the "in" color choice in the late 70s. 

But, I was restoring them to improve them, right?

Edited by Oldcarfan27
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