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37 Ford Sedan - New Jersey State Police


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Built using a resin 4 door sedan body from Hendrix, mated to the Revell 37 Ford street rod kit and the 37 Ford pickup for some of the stock parts.  I had originally built up the pickup chassis to use as the donor because it more closely resembles the stock set up.  The chassis fit very well, but the body sat way too high, probably about 5 or 6 scale inches.  So I built up the street rod chassis and used the stock wheels and tires from the pickup.  Not that easy of a swap, but I got it done.  It basically curbside though, there's no engine or chassis details added.  The body was a whole 'nother nightmare.  It looked like a very nice casting and all test fits went well, but once everything got meshed together, the interior did not want to cooperate with the body and floor/chassis.  In the end, after a bunch of trimming, I had to live with it.  The interior sits too high within the body, allowing some of the side panels to rise above the window line at the back side windows.  To lower it to correct height would have meant taking a substantial piece of the bottom of the back seat out, and it just wasn't worth it at that point.  Paint is Tamiya, decals by Pursuit Plastics.





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