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1988 - 1991 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Scratchbuild

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Thank you for letting us know, Greg.

Greg is also doing extensive upgrades to his work area for mold and parts storage to help streamline to kit creation process.

I know it's been a wait but do hang on, 'more betters' stuff coming too. (redneck said that to me one time?)

That looks like some tough, hard to bend RTA in that pic too...

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Yes, He and I have been emailing.  I thought it was a very nice article.  I only wish I were able to provide more of what he wanted.  The CV kits are $110.00.  He purchased one early on for $95.00 so that was the price in the article.  A percentage of each one sold does go to it's creator for personal reasons, I doubt many other casters would do this with a project.  Dwayne got ripped off by another person.  I also include postage with sales to the lower 48, provide packing materials, resin /silicone materials, electricity, equipment, trip to the Post Office, etc.  So, I 'm not exactly getting rich selling these kits so we needed to charge a bit more.  They are a good quality value.  Flash in openings pops right out.  I make great looking tires.  I am amazed the grille mold has held up so well.  We are working to make molds that will make multiple copies.  Marty has been helping me and Glen has too.  Marty is slowly working on a site called Holy Grail Resin Emporium.  Marty prefers to make parts and Glen has been working hard with organizing and putting up shelves and does clay up of parts.  Clay up is timely and boring but is very important to a molds performance. 

I have mailed to other countries with USPS, usually around $40.00 to $50.00 USD.  This is the cheapest way.  Once it leaves the USA there is no tracking and I have to fill out a customs form, of course.

There is something somewhat new called desktop injection molding but I would need to be able to 3d print the molds.  It's roughly 4 grand to get started.


Edited by Greg Wann
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Hi there. How can I get my hands on one of these?! I have been looking everywhere for a model like my car and this is really the only thing I have found minus a really rare and bad looking matchbox (I believe). I have sent a few emails but no response. 


My car


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and Marty will put you on the list.  Covid has caused some problems.

We got the 4 door Lemans from Dwayne.  It is a nicer kit than this Crown Vic.  I have the body mold done., but many more parts to do.

Thanks, Greg


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