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27 T ?


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I really LOVE Deuces, but I've never really built anything earlier from Henry's range, so I figured a T would be a good place to start filling out my collection of pre-war cars.

I picked this kit up on eBay - it's a 2 in 1, but I likely won't use many of the optional parts (they're pretty 70s looking, which is probably appropriate for the age of this kit)


I'm gonna go for a loose early 60s look here I guess - no particular direction or concept in mind, just the kinda simply modified look that someone could've built in the 60s without a tonne of aftermarket parts.  That said, I wanna get a NICE low stance, get this thing in the weeds within reason too.


I wanted to try a suicide style rear end - I'm not sure if it's prototypically correct but I thought it'd be cool to have the leaf spring hanging out of the back of the frame so I 'L'd it (it's not a zee shape!) to help get the back end down to account for the much smaller wheels that I'll be running:


These wheels didn't come in the kit but I'm guessing theyre similar era and also AMT judging by the distinctive light blue plastic


The rears needed some custom spacers to get the rear axle width right so I used a couple of sizes of styrene rod to make the axle width how I wanted


I had a cool drum brake part in my parts box that I kinda liked, but I only had a single one, so I resin cast a couple in a simple putty mold and I'll use those on the front where the brake detail will be a little more visible


Quick mock up of the chassis and engine - I wanna go with the stock 4 banger - but maybe warmed up a little somehow?


More progress as I make it...excuse the rough mocking up so far but I'm trying to get everything kinda roughed in before starting all the clean up before paint


Edited by CabDriver
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  • 2 weeks later...

Slow progress on this one, but after a few mock ups and try-agains I settled on a final design for chassis and I've started laying down some primer ready for paint:

I'm going to fill the edges and get it nice and smooth before paint, but I'm just glad to have a rough idea of how this will piece together at least!

A lot of the time was spent getting the stance right - I ended up using the stock T leaf spring mated to the modified front axle that came with the option parts in the kit.

More (slow) progress as I make it!


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Just trying an Alclad experiment - I didnt have any of their enamel base, but tried it over some of the same black lacquer that I painted the res tof the car with - came out great!

I chromed the front axle, and the rear leaf - soon as this stuff dries I can get on with chassis assembly.  The resin brake drums I'm going to use on the front were hole-ier than a Sunday so I've had to give them some putty but hoepfully I can prime them tomorrow and give them some steel Alclad

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What did you use under the embossing powder? I have had a hard time getting it to stick without bare spots.

Just plain old Elmer's glue Mark - seems ok so far, although I'll admit I dont intend on handling the tub too much.

Meanwhile, polishing chores continue here...I wish this paint had laid down a little smoother from the get go, but it's getting there...


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What products do u use to polish?

I used a Micromart polishing cloth set and some Tamiya polishing paste - I've got it pretty close I think, and I'm gonna add some Tamiya finishing wax and see how it all looks.  I dont need it show-car shiney, but I dont want it all bumpy either....

In the meantime, a quick bit of fabrication to replace a bent, injector pin marked steering rack and I'm ready to paint the last couple of bits before assembly...


Edited by CabDriver
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   Hey James,

   If you get the finish to perfect it won't

look like it belongs on a car like that.

   To me that finish looks great the way

it is right now! Just my humble opinion.

   But either way you go, I'm liking this

build for sure.


    Build on, and be happy,

       David S.

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