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    Chris Drysdale

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  1. This build is fantastic. I love everything about it, saved to the inspiration folder
  2. Hi Brian, I'm currently waiting to see how the Shapeways thing shakes out (looks pretty dead so far) and assessing alternatives. I'll be sure to post here when I figure out what to do.
  3. I'm glad to see this project return, and that you're feeling newly enthusiastic about it! I'm also feelin' the traditional vibe more than the 80s/90s mix-n-match look
  4. I've really been enjoying this project and seeing the various parts you've designed and printed. Awesome stuff. The '55 is looking killer so far. It's interesting to hear your take on the Siraya vs Elegoo resin--I've been experiencing a lot of temperature and viscosity-related issues myself with Elegoo's ABS-like grey, so maybe the Siraya tech resin would be worth experimenting with! Just bought a Saturn 2 8k printer so I'm excited to start printing larger files, so a lower exposure time per layer would be ideal.
  5. Super rad. Saved a bunch of those photos to my inspiration folder...I'm loving the color, the inline 6, detailing and parts choices...just overall a really clean and balanced build!
  6. Looking good! I'm a huge fan of 60s-style customs. The extra fins in particular are "too much", so...just right "Madame Fefe" comes to mind: https://kustomrama.com/wiki/John_Buchan's_1956_Chevrolet
  7. This is a very old mockup, but the project never progressed further than collecting the parts and tucking them back in the box, so it's perfect for this build-off. Going for a late 60s look. Orange Crate '32 Sedan, Parts Pack slotted wheels, Blue Streak slicks, resin Lil Deuce grille from Drag City Casting, and a BBC with a cobbled-together Man-a-Fre intake. It took me a while to finally purchase a second AMT '49 kit so I'd have two sets of exhaust tips from that kit to use as velocity stacks. I have aluminum ferrules that almost work but they're a tad too thin. The Merc tips are perfect! Seats are either going to be diamond-pleat buckets by Drag City, or '67 GTX seats which have a bifurcated horizontal rib pattern that matches the grille...but they might be a tad too wide; we'll see. Color TBD but I'm leaning towards tomato red or orange.
  8. Haha, what??! That's nuts KK. I squinted at each successive photo with no improvement in comprehension until the mockup was revealed. Wild!
  9. I'm excited by this thread. I've been on the sidelines for several years now, but it just so happens I have a barely-started '32 sedan project based on the Orange Crate sitting in a box, and I just discovered some seats that might be a cool choice for the build. Might be time to limber up the saw and make it happen!
  10. https://www.diyford.com/centrifugal-superchargers-guide-in-ford-small-blocks/ Looks like Paxton SN-60 is the one you want. The trad hot rod guys like the (earlier?) Paxton VS57. Below is a youtube vid of a Mustang with a very similar dual Paxton setup, with the connecting brace and center pulley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGZuvvNJFig Here's a pair of them in another Ford: https://preview.redd.it/cgu92h5l2kx61.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=eaab3f8daf1895f8b91ef33786e655f2ea0e6bfa
  11. Spectacular work, I love the attention to detail. I have a folder of inspirational diorama photos and this example is in my top 5 for sure! KK, that's a cool diorama too; I like how it's a corner scene so there's potentially a bit more flexibility for taking photos from varied angles without exposing the room behind.
  12. In summation, the market is working as intended, and that's A-OK. 😆
  13. I sell some parts on Shapeways. It's a hobby. I get a couple bucks per part and SW gets the rest. I've considered starting my own website, but let's add up the work I'd have to do and $$ I'd spend for those couple bucks: 1. Research, compiling measurements, finding blueprints, taking reference photos, and planning the modeling project. 2. 3D modeling the part, reviewing the 3D mesh to ensure it is printable 3. Applying supports to the 3D model and slicing/exporting it. 4. Reviewing the sliced file and repairing "islands" that won't print properly. Possibly back to step 2 or 3 at this point. 5. Test printing, cleaning, and curing the part. (And printer cleanup, and re-levelling the print head). Possible return to steps 2-4 at this point. 6. Batch printing and curing. 7. Quality control, cleanup, labeling and sorting. 8. Website updates, social media posts, promo image creation 9. Listing product and adding images. 10. Answering queries from customers, managing orders 11. Packing, labeling and shipping packages. 12. Dealing with returns, broken items, lost packages, etc etc. Overhead: 3D printer, resin, spare print heads and vats, filters, cleaning medium (water or IPA), air circulation equipment, safety gear), possible replacement screens. Packing materials and other consumables would have to be factored in. And I'd have to pay for web hosting, of course. Needless to say, this is sounding like a full-time business that would require volume sales to be sustainable. I'd have to sell a ton of parts and focus only on products that would sell in large numbers. Or...I can let Shapeways take care of all of that, and spend my time doing the design part, which is what I enjoy. If I want to buy a Muncie, Mr. Texas3D's offering sounds like the deal of the freakin' century :D
  14. Hi,

    I am back looking for rear suspension options for my '32 pickup, I have looked on your Maple Leaf Shapeways site but can't find the quick change rear end sets?

    I have yet to confirm which chassis I will use either, but is either option available?


  15. This happens to me too, at random. Some days it works normally, most days it doesn't. I'm using Firefox with Ublock Origin adblocker. I just type /page/2 on the end of the url if I want to get to page 2 🤪
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