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Couldn't resist getting started on this one (kinda lost interest in the Tahoe for now),Aoshima Datsun 720 truck. Will be mostly out of box (I really need to get a finished build on the shelf for motorvation,LOL),but most likely will be using some interior bits from the parts box to change it up a bit.

Looks to be  apretty simple build,a curbside and most of the chassis is molded in (and molded in black)...

Thinking of using these seats/console from an (AMT) S-10 kit,2nd gen...

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Did some prep work over the last week,got the body smoothed of mold lines and such (which weren't overly bad OOB). Had some unexpected oral surgery yesterday which threw a kink in the weekend's plans for bench-time,but I did manage to get the body color on (both Tamiya rattle cans,Racing White and Mica Blue)...

The hood and a spot or 2 on the bedsides have a little overspray to clean up,overall I'm happy with the combo though (especially havign shot it >24 hours after surgery,LOL :P ),I'll try and get that cleaned up and some clear on it tomorrow :)

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Thanks guys :) I didn't purposely shoot the pics to not show the hood overspray,LOL,but the gleem from the light did cover it nicely :lol: I've not been doing as well today as I'd expected based on how I felt yesterday with recouping from the surgery--been in and out of sleep all day for one thing--so I haven't gotten anything else done like I'd planned,but the day is young still :)


Update (12:40am local time),today was a bad day with surgery recouping,didn't so much as walk past and look at the bench today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :(

Edited by Olskoolrodder
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Thanks,guys :) 


Gator,thanks for that too,my friend. No complications so far,but have been feeling a little worse with it each day (thought it was supposed to be the opposite,LOL :P ),but doc said yesterday I'm "healing nicely,just take it easy and be patient" (he was probably talking about the fact that I tried to mow the other day,and have been trying to make me do all my normal routines/chores...wife says I'm a bit stubborn :lol:),so I haven't been able to work on it since last update,other than that I have finished the spray work (glosscoat included). Hoping that I feel up to getting back on it sometime today,growing ansy to finish it,LOL :P 

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Steve,thanks my friend :)

Gator,thanks on all counts,SO glad I can actually eat normally again (well...still just on the 1 side,LOL,but otherwise normally :P )

Tony,thanks :) That was pretty much our experiences with late 70's-early 80's Datsuns as well,LOL,ran forever,bodies dripped off in rusty pieces,LOL :lol:


I'm calling it done,I finally got to the LHS for the needed jar paint earlier today (well...it's 1:49am local time,so technically yesterday ;) ),will post it in the finished section in a few minutes :)

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