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About gatorincebu

  • Birthday 05/31/1949

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Marc Langevin AKA Gator

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gatorincebu's Achievements

MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Dayum that one looks really good ! Nice work . Be Well Gator
  2. Yes it was. those old trucks were really cool as far as I am concerned.
  3. Ken , Great looking truck and dozer ! Nice work on both of them . Be Well Gator
  4. Well done ! Great looking truck and gravel bucket . That trailer kit lends itself to many different configurations , for different areas of the country. Be Well Gator
  5. Brian , Nice work on that one ! I remember trucks like that from when I was young . Be Well Gator
  6. Alex, Nice work on that one ! I like the color you chose . Looking real good from over here ! Be Well Gator
  7. Gary , No that is a very interesting group of models. Most impressive to me. The truck ! Good work . Be Well Gator
  8. Great subject matter, and some really good fabrication . Works for me ! Be Well Gator
  9. Steve, Those two trucks , look to be top shelf candidates from over here ! Nice work on both of them . Be Well Gator
  10. Brian , Once again your skill and craftsmanship are evident when looking at these models . fantastic work on some interesting trucks . Be Well Gator
  11. Really nice looking dozer ! The aftermarket parts do make a huge difference . AS for aftermarket vendors being slow to ship. You might want to consider . That for many of them . Making model parts is not their main job ! And that sometimes we all have to learn how to plan ahead . And not expect to place an order. Expecting it to show up over night Be Well Gator
  12. Warren , That is one heck of a suspension you have on that ! I like it . Be Well Gator
  13. Brian , As I expected you did a mighty fine job on this one ! Be Well Gator
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