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Anyone casting a 55 Chevy sedan delivery?

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A friend and I were looking into this a couple of years ago. He had given me a 56 that I had then mastered into a Sedan Delivery. I had it 90 percent finished when I handed it back to him to complete. He never got it finished and that was when I realised I should have kept it and finished it myself. Out of frustration I purchased a 55 Tudor off him with the intention of doing my own sedan delivery and I got as far as removing the rear of the roof. I have a 57 Nomad that I can use for the rear section although I have also considered modifying the 57 into a 55 by changing the side trim, front clip and rear tail lights. The project has been on the backburner as I have been busy finishing off another one for someone else. These projects are never simple and typically take six to twelve months to complete. However I never totally gave up on the idea. and I am sure there is plenty of interest out there. If you are able to get me some basic measurements, such as roof height, door length etc I may be able to give you a better estimate.


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 I have a 57 Nomad that I can use for the rear section although I have also considered modifying the 57 into a 55 by changing the side trim, front clip and rear tail lights.


It's harder than it looks at first to make an accurate sedan delivery or 2DW out of a Nomad. The whole back end of the Nomads is different, with the tailgate and rear window having much more slope to them than the SDs/wagons had. I did a '55SD out of a wagon when I was a kid (you can see it in the first post in the "Survivors" thread up in General and didn't realize this at the time. Of course if you don't want to get that anal about it you can do a "phantom-ish" SD from a Nomad. I might even do another one that way someday.

There was a '55 SD diecast out a few years ago (often seen as promotional coin banks), but I never bought one because they looked undersized to me--maybe around 1/27 or 1/28 scale. I wish I had, and if I ever run across another one cheap, I'm gonna grab it anyway.

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You are absolutely right about that. I checked out my own Nomad version and put it back straight away. The rear roofline is completely different to that of the sedan delivery. The doors are different too there is lean in them. I looked at my 55 Tudor and came to the conclusion that it would be far easier to scratch build the roof and tailgate section and graft it into the tudor. The tudor trim would be removed and the dip behind the doors filled . I have been sourcing images of sedan deliveries online so I have no shortage of information to work off if I decide to take this one on. The hardest part of this project would be creating the corners for the roof. I would most likely mould the roof corners from the Nomad and use them. The floor pan would be built into the chassis to simplify the moulding process. I did mention that this was something I was interested in taking on. I also mentioned I was completing another project for someone else. I have decided to get that project completed as soon as possible so that I can focus on the possibility of finally doing a sedan delivery. If I undertake this project I have also decided to put any other projects on hold as this one will be an extensive one.


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Bandit Resin used to make one, not sure of the quality or availability. If you are open to diecast, these show up fairly often. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1955-Chevy-Sedan-Delivery-Metal-Display-pc-used-needs-some-cleaning-/351726381253?hash=item51e486a8c5:g:k08AAOSwh-1W3aqG

Yeah, that's the one that looks slightly undersized. But I've never been able to measure one or compare it to a real model, so I could be wrong about that.

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Completely different from a Sedan Delivery. This is essentially a truck. The SD is essentially a passenger car station wagon.

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