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Best Thread ever, incase you missed it :

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That is a great thread. The only possible problem I see is that since the very informative photos aren't hosted locally on this forum, in a year or a few there is a good chance that some or all of the photos might disappear. That will make that thread useless.  I have seen this happen in threads on many forums. I would recommend to save all the photos and the text on your home computer for future reference.

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 ...since the very informative photos aren't hosted locally on this forum, in a year or a few there is a good chance that some or all of the photos might disappear...

That's a point.

I noticed a couple of the photos I'd posted on that thread that were simply linked to other non-photo-hosting sites had already disappeared.

I went back in and loaded those shots into Photobucket and re-posted them here the standard way.

They will be available here as long as Photobucket remains in business (and as long as I continue to pay the monthly fee there).

Any photos posted here from 3rd party photo-hosting sites should be fine, again, as long as the host remains operating.

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The problem is that we cannot guarantee that your account in Photobucket or even Photobucket site itself will always be there. I lost bunch of photos when ImageShack decided to shut down their free photo accounts.  I didn't actually lose them since I had local copy but all the posts I made to forums which included imageshack photos now show up as broken links. No, I cannot edit those posts to point them to another photo hosting site I now use.

That is why when I see something worth keeping on the Internet, I copy it to my PC (and of course I have couple of backups of my PC too).That way I'll have the info regardless whether the ModelCars forum or Photobucket are there or not.

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The problem is that we cannot guarantee that your account in Photobucket or even Photobucket site itself will always be there.

Yup. When I die, all my photos will disappear a month or so afterwards, as the bill will no longer be paid. I don't believe I'll put a provision in my will to pay Photobucket in perpetuity for the questionable privilege of being a posthumous rivet-counting know it all still trying to force people, from the grave, to build gassers that have the period-correct stance.

Anyone who looks around the site much will see that many photos on many old threads are gone.

Of course, we really have no guarantee ANY of us or anything else will be here tomorrow, 

Like you, i keep "permanent" copies of any web-sourced information I think I'll "need" in the future, either on my own main drive, removable media, or one of several cloud accounts.

Still, a massive cyber-attack might corrupt everyone's computers, crash the internet and the economy, and a lot of us might find ourselves wishing we'd bought guns and bullets and canned food instead of the last 500 inedible kits that sit uselessly on the shelves.  ;)

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